
This is a marriage and child question.Please,no rude answers!?

by Guest33620  |  earlier

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This is a strange question and I'm not married and I don't have kids but here it goes.

You are married and you have a baby.You m********e and you have a sexual thought about your child.You don't want your child sexually because that's just disgusting.It just popped in your mind.You're not going to bother your child sexually.This thought really scared you and you hated the thought.You didn't even want to have the thought.Is this a thought that the devil brings to you?Everyone has bad thoughts but as long as we don't yeild to them then we're not bad people,right?Would your husband divorce you for having the thought?

And is this how you know that you don't want to have s*x with your child?

You love your child just not sexually.

You don't want to hurt your child.

It's wrong.

You don't want a divorce from your husband.

You don't want to go to jail.

I'm just asking.I'm not married and I don't have kids but I just want to know.It's just a thought.I know you all are saying "This is sick and disgusting!".I agree but it's a thought not an action.There are some people who are strong enough to not act on the thought and stop thinking about it.Everyone who has answered this question has once in their life had bad thoughts but as long as we don't act on them,we have not sinned,right?So would a husband divorce the wife even though she didn't and diesn't intend on acting on the thought?




  1. It's obvious you've given this some thought more than once to even put it here. Why are you even agonizing over something like this anyway? I mean, really, you could of just as simply asked a totally different question but along the same lines of the subject matter of "basic unusual thoughts"

    Wow, that was a doozie

  2. I wouldn't divorce the c*** ...she'd simply be an unsolved missing person case.

    You're absolutely right.  Everyone has had a bad thought.  I normally act upon my bad thoughts and lack the strength and convictions to be a good morally righteous person.  There's a flip side to that however... my community is safer and more secure because of it.  Sometimes we may not like what we have to do... but that's when you learn what your limits are and what your capable of.  You come face to face with horror and you learn something about yourself.

    It's impossible for words to describe, what is  ..."necessary" to those who do not know what horror is.

    A sexual thought about a child even as a thought is the most horrific and disturbed thing on this planet.  And trust me, I've witnessed and acted out things most people could never dream of.  War will bring out the best in you heh heh.

    There is to little information on this disturbed question of yours.  Things don't make any sense and nothing adds up.

    Case in point...

    what sort of question is this anyway?  I mean wtf... seriously.   That is the reason why I believe it's not a valid question of hypothetical nature.  I am led to believe more so that this is a rhetorical statement that you seek confirmation on what has happened to you and cannot figure out why you are in a divorce right now.

    Maybe I'm wrong...  but I could be right.

  3. the person having these thoughts needs to sit down with a therapist and discuss what is causing them.  

  4. Does it matter in life really? You have 2 choices the 1st choice is to act on it and ruin a child's life, not to mention all those whom you love, this is a crime that is recipricated through the victimizor and victim, eventually the victim either becomes frigid or very promiscuos, and some times becomes the victimizor.

    The second choice is to never have thoughts like this again, try to express thoughts like this in a positive way, seek help if needed.

  5. Agreed. Nobody should even think thoughts such as these.  

  6. you need to talk to a professional about this , not people on YA  

  7. To answer your question yes the husband will divorce you if you sexually molested your child even if you are having just thoughts about it. That being said child molesters start out by having "thoughts" of s*x with a child be it their own or someone else's child. They do not want to have these "thoughts" because they are disgusting. However the thoughts become more and more frequent and stronger until the child molester acts on these "thoughts". Then they feel guilty and stop for a little while but the thoughts are still there until they become to strong and then the child molester acts on them again then again all the while ruining a child's life for their own selfishness. Then hopefully the child molester is caught and put in jail for the rest of their life. Un fortunately child molester are kept separate from the rest of the prison population for fear they will be killed while serving their time. YOU NEED HELP NOW!!! YOU ARE A CHILD MOLESTER WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!  

  8. In your last question you were married. You sound as loony as last time.

  9. You are totally wrong. These are not just 'thoughts.'

    Thoughts LEAD to actions.

    And yes, even THINKING these thoughts, IS sinful.

    There's a huge, serious problem with the person you described and they need to voluntarily seek some sort of therapy, QUICK.

    I have seen many people divorce their spouses for the same exact thing. It's called - protecting the child!!

    I mean, how could a person even take the risk of waiting for those thoughts to lead to actions?!

  10. People do have bad thoughts, but good people would know to seek help when havin thoughts like that. You put so much energy in trying to convince everyone that people have bad thoughts and its somehow normal. It is NOT normal. What a normal person would do is spend the energy and time you have in trying to understand where the sick and wrong thoughts are coming from.

  11. I have a thought: Judging by your questions (sometimes you're married, sometimes you're not) and the way your brain seems to work I'd say you're a total whack job. No wonder you keep your QandA private, because then everyone else would know, too.

  12. Do you need a list of mental health hospitals, if you do post that question not this stupid c**p!

  13. like I said to your other question......

    Please get help

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