
This is a marriage question.Very short.?

by Guest66613  |  earlier

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I love my husband but he made me really mad the other day.Something tells me that I hate him.I don't want to feel this way toward him.I can't hate him because I'm afriad of losing him if he finds out about this.Do you think that he will divorce me?Will the feelings fade away?




  1. Hate is a very strong word, and one should not use it just because they are mad at someone. Sometimes i just cant stand to be around my husband. That is just what some couples go through. I love him and always will. You just have to have your days when you do other things apart and have your me time. People get on each others nerves that is just part of nature and one will get past it, just take deep breathes and see what you really feel about this person. If you really love him, stay and work things out! But if you really hate him and i really do not like that word, then move on and find someone who can give you the happiness you deserve.

  2. I hate my husband sometimes, but not any more than I love him.  Its easy to feel this way towards someone you have such intense feelings for. Don't worry, you will forget all about it until next time he pisses you off.

  3. Sometimes you do hate your husband.  I think any normal person would have to go through every range of emotions even hate with someone they live with and speak to every day of their life.  Trust me, you are human and divorcing your husband is not the answer unless you find that you hate him more than love him most of the time.  If you split you are sure to hate the next significant other at times as well.

    ***OK I just put it recently asked another disturbing marriage question that was just resolved so  scratch the answer above and seek professional counseling ASAP.  This question reveals you are married (and I am assuming you have kids?) which you denied in your other question.  Do you hate your husband right now because you confided in him about the thoughts you sometimes have about your child????  If so he is rightfully freaked out at the moment.  

    ****You really need to speak with a professional about all your feelings because I don't think you are thinking rationally the majority of the time.  Therefore, the answer I posted prior to realising you asked the other question will of no help to you.  Good luck and please seek professional counseling!

  4. It depends did he make you mad by doing something horrible to you? If he is degrading you and you got angry, then yes feelings of love loss does happen. If that is his way then you must get him to stop or put on your walking shoes. You need to figure out what caused the anger.  

  5. You don't stop loving someone because they make you really mad sometimes....That is part of life!  I am sorry...but you sound a bit immature....You and your husband need to talk out your problems....You have to learn to communicate for your marriage to be successful....

  6. Why are you married to anyone and you say that you think you still love him? Being married has its good and bad moments and you can't think about leaving once it gets bad or you will not stay married. Marriage is like this to anyone you marry. So leaving will do nothing. Unless he is hurting you in a physical or verbal way, work it out.  

  7. You need to communicate with him!  No offense, but from your post it sounds like you're holding a grudge.

    Is he even aware that you're still p*ssed?  

  8. you sound like a freakin' nut case...

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