
This is a marriage question:I edited it.Answer the last question please.?

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You are married and you have a baby.You m********e and you have a sexual thought about your child.You don't want your child sexually because that's just disgusting.It just popped in your mind.You're not going to bother your child sexually.This thought really scared you and you hated and really disliked the thought.You didn't even want to have the thought.Is this a thought that the devil brings to you?Everyone has bad thoughts but as long as we don't yeild to them then we're not bad people,right?

And is this how you know that you don't want to have s*x with your child?

You love your child just not sexually.

You don't want to hurt your child.

It's wrong.

You don't want a divorce from your husband.

You don't want to go to jail.

It's just a thought.I know you all are saying "This is sick and disgusting!".I agree but it's a thought not an action.There are some people who are strong enough to not act on the thought and stop thinking about it.

If you are not going to act on the thought and hated the thought then therefore,you do not want to hurt the child.Why would your spouse divorce you over just having the thought when you have no intentions to hurt the child?Isn't this something that you can work out if you love each other?I also think that I might have OCD.I have a lot of symptoms of OCD such as doing things repititively,bad thoughts and images,being afriad of being contaminated,checking things over and over again,having really bad uncontrlollable bad thoughts about anything and everything,things I wouldn't even act on.I have more symptoms.I'm not saying this is me but what if you are so tortured by the thoughts that you are about to commit suicide because you think that the child will be better off without you.You do not want to hurt the child.It was just a thought that you don't intend to have again.You're not going to act on it either so why should a husband divorce his wife over that?Would you divorce your wife because of all of this?

You're not sexually attracted to your child.It was just a thought,not an action or an intended action.Everyone has bad thoughts at least once in their life!How can this be a cause for a divorce?!?!?Is this a cause for a divorce or something?

While you were masturbating,you also thought about your son masturbating when he gets older and that turned you on.I thought any sexual image can turn a person on.You didn't want it to turn you on.It was like a fantasy!You stopped masturbating because of all of this.You didn't want the thoughts anymore so you just quit it completely.You are not tortured by the thoughts but you are tortured by the thought that you had them.You try to block them out!You have no intention to touch the child.You know that it's wrong and think that people who do it are sick.When you were really really young,you watched or ooked for children p**n but you were about 12 but you don't do it anymore because,let's face it,it's wrong and it should be illegal.Would a husband divorce his wife or get her help?Which would you do?

What if your mind is trying to trick you into thinkng that you do want to harm your child,you wouldn't do it,you love your child.Is that just your mind playing tricks on you?Will the husband still want a divorce from the wife?What would you do if you were the husband?

Now,I can't stress this enough.It was a thought not an action.We all have bad thoughts.Worse thoughts than this sometimes.So I guess if we all told our spouses about all of the thoughts that we had,we'd all be divorced.It's getting to me that no one is understanding this.I know it would be for the child's safety but if you really love someone,you're not going to leave them over a thought.Pay attention to this part:IT JUST POPPED IN MIND,YOU DIDN'T MEDITATE ON IT,THEREFORE,YOU'RE NOT INTENDING ON ACTING ON IT.YOU'RE MEDITATING ON HOW BAD THE THOUGHT WAS.YOU HATED THE THOUGHT MORE THAN ANYTHING AND YOU WISH THAT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HAD IT.YOU THINK THAT CHILD MOLESTATION IS WRONG AND WOULDN'T WANT TO RUIN YOUR CHILD'S LIFE LIKE THAT.YOU HAVE NO INTENTIONS ON ACTIG ON THE THOUGHT,PERIOD.I CAN'T STRESS THAT ANYMORE.SO,WOULD YOU STILL DIVORCE THE WIFE?

I was reading some incest stories and it turned me on.I hated that it did but while I was reading it,instead of thinking of a relative,I thought of my husband.I should stop reading the stories because I feel that they are trying to intice me to do something that I don't want to do.As I have been reading them,they have been inticing me and I'm not going to act on it because the child doesn't deserve that I don't want to ruin his life.A child doesn't deserve that.If it's for the child,I'll stop reading the incest stories.I refuse to hurt my child,it's morally wrong.I'm going to stop reading the stories for the sake of the child.Would this be a cause for divorce or something?




  1. Maybe you should rewrite this question into simpler form. Too much to read and too much repeating. My answer is this you never ever have sexual thoughts or acts with a child weather its your child or someone elses!

  2. Yes your mind is playing tricks on you ........ like  you said its just a thought not a action ......That is very sick ... and disgusting  please take all those thoughts from your mind .... You will do you and your wife a big favor ....... And yes it can ruin your child's life so please stop thinking like that .... If you cant help it       ( PRAY )

  3. Your having undesirable thoughts, not necessarily obsessive compulsive as these symptoms appear in other forms of mental illness.  Yes it's good you haven't acted on them.  You need to seek help from a psychiatrist so you won't act on them.  I have no idea how your husband would act, but it would probably not be good.

  4. You need to be committed into a psych ward immediately. You may not intend to do this but if the thoughts are there then why not be safe about it. You should seek help ASAP. And yes the spouse should keep the child away from you, the potential perpetrator. Please...get help! Your child does not deserve this. I would also suggest you become sterilized. I'm not being mean but why put yourself in the way of temptation. You may have a few underlying issues that you need to work on. Please do not commit is not the answer.

  5. Maybe you should seek professional help i have 3 kids and never never have i had a thought like that the child is the most important not you

  6. First, you're making too much of an idle thought. You've got more company than you can guess. It the forbidden nature that makes it a masturbation image. Nothing to do at all with wanting to do it. Making WAY too much of something that crossed your mind and became associated with your self-gratification.

    Now, the problem is that it's eating at you that you're having those thoughts and that you can't control them, as in being able to focus on something else by just making the effort. I think you've got some insight in thinking of it as similar to the other symptoms. Stop thinking these thoughts are the BIG symptom. Think of it as just one of several. Start with your family doctor. Describe the other symptoms, if you can't bear to talk about this one, too. (Oh, he's heard it all, anyway, so he's not going to spit on you for this one.) The earlier you start treatment, the better it will go. OCD is tough, but there are treatment strategies. No reason to keep suffering. And you should be able to approach your husband about the other symptoms and tell him they're a burden to you and worrying and you are going to talk to the doctor about them. Again, you don't have to tell him about the one that you fear he couldn't deal with. It's all part of the same thing. Just like the stories. You recognize you tend to let them take hold more than they ever should. Just more of the same.  

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