My husband asked me if I would have married him if we had to get married in the justice of peace.
I said this.
I strongly believe that I would.However,there wouldn't be many wedding memories.It wouldn't be the wedding of my dreams but as long as I get to marry you,I'm happy.
He's cute.
He's funny.
He's honest.
He's loyal.
He's kind.
He's nice.
He's shy.
He's cheerful.
He knows how to make me laugh.
I love being in his presence.
He's simple.
He's a little dorky.-I like that.
He's original.
He's understanding.
He's sensitive.
He's got great hair/eyes.
If we had to get married at a justice of peace,I strongly believe that I would still marry him because this is the guy that I want to be with for the rest of my life and I'll do anything to marry him.I would be slightly dissapointed if I didn't have the wedding of our dreams but it's still a marriage.But I prefer a normal wedding though.I don't really care about a honeymoon though.
I love him too as you can see.
Is thi show you know that you would marry someone even in the justice of peace?-
You love them.
You'd do anything to marry them.
It wouldn't be the wedding of your dreams but the point to you is that you are still married.
It saves money.
You want to be with him no matter what.
Is that how you know,this is my main question.If not,how do you know then?