
This is a parent Q!!?

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ok if you had an 11 year old girl,

her Birthday is coming up and she wants a cell

would you buy one for her????

(for her 12th birthday)




  1. I would but probably not the kind she wants. Because odds are the kind she'd want would be super expensive.  :)

  2. Nope. I am of the belief if a child wants a phone then they need to have a job to support paying for the phone calls. Kids run up large bills or use all the credits quickly. Bullying happens a lot through txt and as long as they have 50 cents then there are payphones.

  3. Yes, but a cheap one because I wouldn't know whether she was respnsible enough to looks after an expensive one. You may think she is, she will think she is, but get her a cheap one till she is 13 and then get her a more expensive one if she's looked after it properly. Also, put her on contract not pay as you go, as then you can limit her calls and texts, and you can see who she's texting etc. when the bill comes. If you find out she's staying up till 1 am texting, you won't regret the contract!

    Good luck!

  4. If she was responsible, yes. But only a $25 Net 10 or Tracfone. If she constantly forgets it or contacts her friends, take it away.or if she runs out of minutes in a few weeks.  Pay for her 1st phone card...maybe but after that, it's her responsibility. Hope this helps!!

  5. Yes, I would buy one for her. Both of my kids have them and I like knowing that we can get in touch easily. My husband uses a ton of minutes so he has a huge cell phone plan. The kids phones are inexpensive flip phones and they just share the monthly minutes. The deal is no texting and no going on the internet or downloading.

  6. Yes. Especially if she was going regularly to friends houses and things...because she should be able to call her parents independantly...incase she gets into trouble ever. I am a parent and I have already decided that when my daughters are old enough to stay at friends houses they will have a phone.

  7. yes if you think shes mature enough and old enough to handle one responsibly just make rules and limits to it and by a rather non expensive one to start out.

  8. Probably but it would be either a limited amount of min. that she could use like a pre paid phone, or one that has unlimited min. so you dont have to worry about her going over her minutes. I would also have her do extra chores or something to help with the bill for it every month to teach her responsibility

  9. If I was a parent, yes.

    But, I wouldn't get her something really expensive like an LG Shine, Blackberry, Sidekick, Voyager, etc.

  10. I would have her tell everyone in the family who will ask her what she wants that she wants money. Then see how much she earns and have her buy her own cell phone and if you need to pitch in a little as your gift them do that as well.

    That is what we did for our son who is 11 except he had enough to buy the phone himself. We find that he really takes good care of it since he feels like he used his own money to buy it. He's been very responsible with it and we haven't had a problem. He's also a straight A student and a generally good kid. The phone comes in handy when he goes to baseball practice or stays after for cross country at school. One time I dropped him at practice and halfway through they had to cancel because they could hear thunder in the distance. My son was able to call me to come back and get him. Sure he could have asked the coach if he had a phone but it's nice knowing he has his own to contact me with.

  11. Me personally, No.

  12. I WOULD ................IF SHES WILLING TO WORK FOR IT

  13. Yeah, I'm 13 and got my first phone Christmas of last year when I was 12. It's really convienant for when you go 2 a friends house or the mall - and my parents like me to have it for connencting with friends, them, and police incase of an emergancy.

  14. no

  15. yes

  16. No.

  17. yes especially when my daughter rides the school bus home

  18. Most likely no.  But if she's away from you a lot I might look into one of those cell phones specifically for children.

  19. absolutely.

    especially is she goes to friends' houses a lot, or does lots of sports/clubs, etc. and i would get her texting so if she is in the middle of something, like at an after school club, she can just text me. sometimes it may also be more convenient for me.

    **I am not a parent, I'm 16. i got my 1st phone in 5th grade, a virgin mobile. then i got a phone with a real plan in 6th, since i started doing extra curricular activities and going out with friends.

  20. No.  If my daughter's at a friend's house, she can use their house phone if needed, and she shouldn't be anywhere else where no phone is available.  Kids grow up too fast these days IMO.  Mine won't have one until she actually needs one, and I don't believe a 12 year old needs one.

    Yes, I know I'm the minority.  But it's my opinion on it.

  21. Yes, with a limited number of minutes.  Make it clear, too, that there will be absolutely no reason to be late coming home from an event without calling you, now.

  22. Yes. I got my first cell phone at 11. (tracfone) then I got a real one for my 12 (Verizon)

    So yeah... Especially if she is involved with school activities (Clubs, Sports, etc.)

  23. No, she doesn't NEED a cellphone.  None of my kids have them and I have an 11 year old.  They know that when they get their driver's licneses then I will get them cells just in case they have an emergency while driving.  I will get them the phone but they will be responsible for paying for their own time.

  24. I would, she'll probably be starting her period soon if she hasn't already and she's going to want something to show she's maturing.

  25. Yes, but it would have a limited number of minutes per month such as a trac phone and no texting. it is for me to reach her or her to reach me not for her and her friends to be texting. if she does any texting she pays for each text out of her allowance. or loses the phone.

  26. No. Maybe I would get her one of those kid cell phones were she could only call a few numbers that I selected. This country is cell phone obssesed
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