
This is a poem about how people act like vultures and try to tear other people apart....What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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We watch each person closely,

waiting to see a weakness,

and when we do, we swoop down,

and strip them bare of confidence.

We start by pecking at the skin,

making sure that they are through,

then we delve in deeper,

their insides we do chew.

Enjoying their suffering,

Devouring their pain,

Clawing at their eyeballs,

slowly driving them insane.

Their agony is our joy,

as they start to rot away,

we love feasting on their flesh,

until nothing but bones remain.

When we've all had our fill,

we take back to the skies,

searching for a weakness,

to claim another life....





  1. that is direct description of most high-school guys do to whom disliked. keep on writing , the talent is there.

  2. I think it's insightful and true.

  3. its a very good poem as its written if you have the desire to make the connections stronger between the vultures and mean people how about combining vulture acts with human chacteristics like

    we start by pecking at the skin

    (then make some refrence to needing to look perfect)

    we start by pecking at the skin

    of their not perfect completion

    making sure they are through

    as they start to rot away

    their insurcurities start to fester

    we love festing on their flesh

    but those are just suggestion if you wanted to incorperate both literal and symbolic things in the poem but dont let my suggestions discourage you because it is a good poem by itself good luck

  4. I loved it and it is so true (sadly). Great Job :)

  5. This is beautiful. I mean, it's very welll writeen. You know, you have some talent. You should write more. I'd like to here some more.

    My favorite line was.

    We start by pecking at the skin,

    making sure that they are through,

    then we delve in deeper,

    their insides we do chew.

    It's very discriptive and you can just see this. This is wonderful really. Bravo!

    God Bless and Blessed Be.

  6. I love this. It reminds me of the Dumb asses that make "Hateful" comments to smart and talented people on

    this site. It`s ashamed that they hate so much. They can`t feel good until they pick your bones. "They search for weakness,

    to claim another life" That line is so true. These type of people Is what our jails are full of. If they don`t change ,that`s where they are heading. Maybe some big sweaty guy can teach them how to behave. Thank you for writing this.

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