
This is a pretend thing not real but let me know what?

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Ok If I were making a movie I need actors either dead or alive I'll ask you and you answer

1.Ok I need a dad thats very strang but exotic

2.A daughter tha lives in her own world trying to pruceed her dream

3.a mom that is super athletic who is going to save the world one day

4.and a grandpa who actually is a secret agent

My movie is going to rock thank you!




  1. 1 robin williams [ haha hes strange ] or johnny depp [ hes good at playin wierd parts ]

    2  demi lovato [ haha idk ]

    3 um....

    4 haha him

  2. 1. Johnny Depp

    2. Kristen Stewart

    3. Natasha Bedingfield

    4. George H.W. Busch

  3. those are all good on their own i think but together the grandpa being an agent and the mom saving the world would be too much. but, that's just me

  4. 1.  Robert Deniro

    2.  Juliette Lewis

    3.  Angelina Jolie

    4.  Sean Connery

  5. Dad-Mike Myers

    Daughter-Kristen Stewart

    Mom-Jessica Alba

    Grandpa-Christopher Walken.

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