
This is a question about cats memory?

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My daughter who recently moved out, dropped in one night to dinner. After she left, our pet cat went straight to my daughter's old bedroom, and got in under the blankets.

Was she missing my daughter and hoping she'd come back to bed? Our pet cat takes turns sleeping with each of my adult children.

Can someone please enlighten me on my cat's behaviour.

Thank you.




  1. That's a good question. I adopted a 5 yr old male cat a few months ago and I wonder sometimes if he remembers anything from his previous owners. I like to think that I'm his favorite though (he's a total mama's boy because of me, lol)

  2. sounds like kitty does miss your daughter. CAts do have good memories and they do get attached to people though some cats do not show it as much as others. I know that my cats miss me when I go away.

  3. Cats have excellent memories, much like a human, they can remember things from when they were just kittens!

    My own cat, Moka, always drives my parents nuts when i'm not around. She heads directly into my room at night time, and sits on my bed, almost like she's waiting for me to come in to go to sleep. Plus, I have this toy that she played with when she was a kitten, when i'm gone, that toy is always knocked off the shelf and dragged ontop of my bed. XD  

  4. cats definitely remember things. my aunt took my cat to get fixed and declawed, and now he hates her. i picked him up and it was like i saved him so he loves me!!

  5. if a cat is wining in a bed or if your cat starts throwing up, it is because the miss someone. i have 5 cats my self so if any more questions feel free to ask!

  6. sounds like u got it

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