
This is a question about cutting, an answer would be great ?

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I started cutting myself about a week ago (I'm aware that it's recent). The first time I did it, I felt that I had control and also very relieved. I've done it ever since. One night I decided not to do it, to prove myself I could stop. So I did and it went okay. The next day I was having a great day! I had alot more fun then usual and I wasn't depressed what so ever. But that night, I cut myself with alot of force and anger as if I was punishing myself for not doing it the night before. Is it possible that this is addictive? If so, am I addicted? I need an opinion or two.




  1. Yes it is an addiction. I have it. It starts out small, then just keeps getting worse.

  2. It is addictive its as addicting as drugs and you are addicted. You should try to stop because you can hit a major vein and you can bleed to death and that wont be very good. If you were having a great day when you didn't cut yourself then that proves you don't need to cut yourself to feel better. There are so many other ways to help with stress such as blogging or venting your feelings in a journal take some sports or find a good hobby trust me it will work. good luck.!! :)

  3. From one extreme cutter to one who has done it once, avoid it. Release what needs to be released in other ways. Put closure to this now. The keeping a journal is a really good healing tool. Let it all out on paper but the hardest thing is to not look back. Now what has been said and done are gone now. Just like the cutting IS A PART OF THE PAST. Tomorrow is a brand new day. The future is only imaginary. When you have thoughts, slow the moment down ..reach out to a help line or a friend that you can trust.That's how I have been able to control my many urges. For me, physical pain overrides emotional pain. Plain and simple. It cannot be an option. I began to write it down in journals. I also dabble in different religions (none bad). I have learned if I am angry or feel like cutting I write it down in my journal, rip the pages I just wrote, I twist the papers tightly like in stick form, and light it on fire. Let it burn to dust and say out loud it is gone. I don't mean to sound weird or nothing but it truly worked for me. I have not cut or burned in months. I hope I have helped in some way. Just remember you are in control of your actions!

  4. Okay, I used to cut myself, and it is not good at all. I was in a mental hospital 3 times for it. I started because i was either angry at myself or other people and just holding it in and taking it out on myself. Find a way to cope with whatever is going on. Cutting is not cool, nor safe. Get some help before it gets too bad, because "yes" it is very addicting. Stop now while you still can.

  5. Cutting is a coping mechanism for stress like drugs. It is extremely addictive. See this page for help.

  6. yes you are allowing satan to control you.  Get help asap!  self mutilation is not a way to relieve stress.  Have you thought about running, writing down your anger or the easiest of all you could fight this off with God's help.  I'm not a Bible thumper but i know he will help you. Just call out his name.

  7. talk to ur counsoler you need help if u cut 2 deep u can hurt ur self plus the embarresment of people asking u why u have so many scars also after awhile your body will stop healing as well and u can get an auto immune disease when u cut ur self your cell ect;... works harder to heal that area .

  8. Actually, as far as I know, it is addictive in the sense that you're looking for something that will let you relieve stress. And until you figure out how to become less agitated and stressed, you'll likely keep cutting yourself.

  9. Cutting is definitely addictive. It is a release for people going through painful times.

    It can really start to feel good and "take over" your body. I wouldn't necessarily say you are addicted YET. But it is starting to take over...the sensations of cutting are lingering in your mind, even if you feel great.

    The best way to overcome this is through therapy. Or a school counselor.

    Best of luck!

  10. It's too early to tell if it's addiction, but perhaps you should talk to your parents about this? A psychiatrist or therapist can really help you.

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