
This is a question about genetic testing - to get tested or not...?

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You know there is a particular test available that will tell you whether or not you have some genetic defect. And suppose you are given and option to get it done or not get it done. Would you want to know if you have the defect or not. Why or why not




  1. Likely if you have something like Huntington's, or cystic fibrosis in your family, you for sure might wish to  know if you plan to have children---these are inherited diseases, and truly not fair to some future child for you to be playing roulette with their health.....  

    And if one of your parents has Huntington's, you have a 50-50 chance of developing it yourself after, say 40.  You many not wish to know if you're going to get that one, if it is in your genetic make-up... some may wish, others may not.

  2. yes: who wants to have something wrong and not know. But if the defect is curable and you git it fixed then correct me if I'm wrong but, wasn't it worth it

  3. There are several different categories of applications of genetic testing, so it's hard to just give a simple answer to this question.  These of some of the basic categories:

    1)  Diagnostic genetic testing -- this would be genetic testing to diagnose whether an individual has a genetic condition or not.  A few examples of the reasons to have this type of genetic testing would be determine the best medical management for you (ie, to help treat any health problems you have, to keep an eye out for other health problems that may come along in the future,etc), to have an idea of how severe your condition might be, and to determine what the chance is that you could pass this genetic condition along to your children or that other relatives may inherit the same condition.  The only reasons I could think of not to have this type of testing done would be if you have concerns about the cost of the testing, are worried about having problems with insurance or employment discrimination, or just want to avoid any "labels".

    2) Presymptomatic genetic testing - this would be genetic testing to determine whether in the future you might be at risk to have a certain health problem.  For example, there are genes that predispose you to cancer, so if there is a strong family history of cancer, you may have certain genetic tests done to determine if you could be at risk.  This is the type of testing that can be the trickiest to decide to have done.  Reasons to have it done would be to help you plan for the future, know exactly what your medical risks might be, and help do things ahead of time that might lower your risks.  Reasons not to have it done would be if you don't want to deal with potential psychological outcomes of testing (ie, anxiety thinking about a health problem that you might not have for decades or might never get at all, guilt if other family members inherited this gene but you didn't), if you're worried about the cost of testing, or you're worried about employment or insurance discrimination.

    3)  Carrier genetic testing - this means testing for a gene that won't affect you medically but could put you at a higher risk of having a child with a genetic condition.  Sometimes people consider carrier genetic testing when pregnant or before they get pregnant to find out if they could be at risk for certain diseases.  Reasons to consider having this type of testing would be if you're worried about something running in your family, or if you'd want to find out before you choose to have children or before your children or born whether they could be at risk for certain common genetic conditions.  Reasons not to have it done would be if you were concerned about the cost of testing or if it wouldn't make a difference in your decisions relating to having children.

    These are just a few examples.  Hope this helps!

  4. Yes, I would want to know that way I could have the opportunity to be treated if possible.

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