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What is the average p***s size for a 15 yr old




  1. when hard, i think between 5 and 7 inches.... mines 6 3/4&quot; hard :D

  2. well the average p***s size for any male is between 5 - 6 inches so as long as you are in that range area you are perfectly fine. but since you are 15 you wont know your final size until you turn 21. so for now, just have fun with it!

    hope that helped dude!

  3. the average p***s size for a 15 yr old boy is about 3 to 5 inches erect. the average for an adult is 4 1/2 to 6. but the we men dont stop growing until our mid 20&#039;s so you will still grow. oh and it also depends on when you started puberty. im 16 and im 7 inches erect. i guess cuz i started puberty when i was 10.

    hope i helped

  4. you can make it bigger, check out the site below and click on one of the yellow ads to the left

  5. About 5 inches is average in the erect state. Guys tend to lie about several things:The length and girth of their p***s. Their height. Their virginity.

    Not every 15 year old is at his full sexual maturity so facts and figures will vary. Some guys are &quot;late bloomers&quot; and don&#039;t show     full sexual development or full adult muscle and skeletal development until the very late teens.

    All guys obsess about the size of the p***s. Unless you are used to seeing a lot of erect penises, you cannot judge from what you see in locker rooms.

    if it is in good working order, no sweat!

  6. Penises come in all shapes and sizes. But the average length of an erect, adult p***s is between 5 and 7 inches. Because teen boys&#039; bodies are growing through puberty, there is no accurate average size for younger guys.

    Most guys reach their full adult p***s size by the time they get into their early 20s. A p***s that is small when soft (flaccid) gets much bigger when erect, but a p***s that&#039;s longer when soft won&#039;t grow as much when it&#039;s hard.

    A lot of guys get hung up on the size of their p***s. But the truth is, size really doesn&#039;t matter that much when it comes to being able to give or receive pleasure during s*x.

    Just like some people are attracted to large or small b*****s, others are attracted to large or small penises. Pleasing a partner is not about the size and shape of body parts, but rather the way they&#039;re used and learning what pleases your partner.

  7. No idea but mine is 6 inches.. im 15 also

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