
This is a question anyone can answer, but I'd really like to hear from those 17-20. ?

by  |  earlier

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If you found out today that your mother gave a baby up for adoption and you had an older sister, would you be pissed your mother never told you? Or happy to have a sibling? Curious because I found my birth mother who has an 18 year old daughter who knows nothing about me. She is thinking about telling her daughter.




  1. I think you should be a little understanding. But you should also talk to your mom and let her know that you are having mixed feelings about this. She has her excuses for what she had done. And if she made this decision back then to let go of her daughter maybe your mother wasn't quite ready for a child and she learned a big lesson. People are not perfect but we do learn from our mistakes. I'm pretty sure you are making some yourself and you are learning. Take this situation as a learning tool for you too. If you are not ready for a child then use protection until you are ready to settle down with someone who wants kids with you.  

  2. i'd be upset that my mum couldn't tell me, do the whole teenage angst i hate you bit and then obviously forgive and hope id get to meet her, then again I'm not like most ppl and i have always wanted a sister as i was brought up with  bro's

  3. well, you should not tell her yourself first, this is probably a very emotional subject to your birth mother, and you should allow her to do what she thinks needs to be done in telling her daughter.

  4. I would be hurt.  But, the happiness would out weigh the hurt.  I would be glad and feel blessed to get to know my sibling.  No telling what your mother was going through 18 years ago, I think adoption is better than abortion and your mother made the right decision.

  5. I'd be mad my mom only gave ME up...

  6. why do you feel entitled to interfere in your mothers privete life?

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