
This is a question for EVERYONE who reads it. What is your opinion on the war between Georgia and Russia?

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This is a question for EVERYONE who reads it. What is your opinion on the war between Georgia and Russia?




  1. I feel we (America) need to just stay out of it.

  2. USA's Geogia?

    Or like another georgia?

    Go Bush.!!

  3. this war is not necessary!!!!

  4. All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. Thats how I feel on  war, I find it interesting that the United States rags on Russia for their deployment of military force, when in fact the United States has been doing the exact same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  5. y is this small country attacking this huge country

  6. Georgia started this mess by attacking South Ossetia, an autonomous region that had won a war of independence from Georgia. Russian peacekeepers were stationed there to protect it - an agreement signed by the Georgian government, then, when the world was looking at Bejing, Georgia attacked, killing thousands of civilians. Russia should have kicked their butts, and did. Just because Georgia is an ally of the west does not make them right.

  7. Osetia is an independent country, not a part of Georgia.  Georgia wants to claim Osetia as its own and it wants to remain independent as it is almost all Russian inhabitants.  Georgia screwed up when it barked at the big dog on the block.  Russia, on the other hand, could use this as an opportunity to overrun and take Georgia by force and begin rebuilding the old USSR and then pose a threat to all its neighbors.  We have treatises with all of them and that puts us between a rock and a hard place.  Sitting back and doing nothing when Hitler invaded Poland is what escalated WWII.  I would take this opportunity to deploy as many anti-missile defenses as possible on the PR premise that Russia has demonstrated excessive aggression towards Georgia in defending Osetia creating the impression that they are trying to conquer the area.  When they pull back and take a protective stance around Osetia then I would pull back the missile defense packages to what I wanted in the first place and Russia objected to.  Kind of like the oil companies are doing us with the gas prices.  As for Iran, Russia doesn't want them nuclear armed any more than we do because then that destabilizes the entire area and messes with their oil plans and treaties.   

  8. i dont have a clue why it started all i seen was it all kicking off on the news...tut its pathetic killing inoccent people and babies :|

    and to the first answer saying britain should invade russia NO WE SHOULDNT!! cus then they will attack us and i dont want no f**king war coming to my country killing me and my family sorry but no.

    its not our problem!!

  9. uuhh idk i nvr rly knew bout it

  10. It's too late for Georgia and I think Russia is untouchable until Bush sends in the US

  11. that makes no sense how can a state fight against a country u know who would win lol

  12. Russia supports the breakaway countries and wants to recognize their independence. The US does this all the time. I don’t believe Russia has any genuine interest in taking control of Georgia. I don’t care what those articles say that’s what I believe.

  13. It's too tl;dr for my tastes. They should just nuke each other and be done with it

  14. It worries me because of our involvement.  It is hard to sit by and watch a democratic country be invaded, demolished, yet should we be involved?  I dunno.  I check the news frequently because this worries me as much or more as the situation in Iraq.  I had so much sympathy for Russia with Chernobyl and high hopes for their rebuild, now I wonder how those poor people will ever recover under that type of leadership.

  15. Sounds like the beginning of World War 3 to me, just how Germany invaded Poland in world war 2 to start it out, and I'm pretty sure the U.S. started intervening too.

  16. Is there any REASONABLE government in the world anywhere?

    If you think about it, the world is a very childish place.

  17. Putin and his puppet are thugs dreaming of the next Russian Empire. Georgia is the first stop. If Obama gets elected there will be no stopping them.

  18. My opinion is people need to get informed on the subject.

  19. I think our country (UK) should attack Russia, they are invading an independent country (Georgia). Russia sucks.

    Greetings from Britain. Dennis Nilsen.

  20. russia is just sending message to the world that it can invade any european country...

  21. This is for all ppl who are ignorant in history, especially ennis, Gerogia doesnt' want to recognize South osetias independence, South Osetia is NOT part of Georgia, so Russia did not invade Gerogia when they moved into South Osettia. Geroga wants to keep control over South Osettia and most of the world thinks that South Osettia is part of Gerogia but it is not. The majority of the ppl in SO are Russians, they have been discriminated, robbed of their lands bc Georgia wants to keep control over then, you can say that SO doesn't want to be part of Georgia and well they are not. I think Russia is doing great and it is defending its ppl in SO and warning Georgia that no one messes with Russians bc russia will protect them. Now Ennis wouldn't you wish the U.S. cared for you that much? Georgia has a oil pipeline thats why they are protraied as the good guys, but their not. Their tyrannist so don't condem other tyrannic countries and defend Gerogia bc then you become what most Americans are, HYPOCRITES!

  22. i think that the next ten years (or the rest of america's existing time) is going to be pretty ugly. America is naturally taking sides with Georgia, and its terrifying how Americas long term enemy is now showing the military power and confidence to attack a small country. I'm not too optimistic on where this country is going. After finding out that a secret society called "Skulls and Bones" is not a myth, and our last couple of presidents including George Bush said they are members, I'm feeling a sci-fi conspiracy coming on.  

  23. d**n, I accidently read the title so I guess I'm obligated to answer, I'm "Everyone" afterall.

       My opinion? Sounds like the Russians are invading another country and just daring someone to stop them. Am I right?

  24. Poland just signed a mutual defense pact today with the US, and will install the missile defense shield. This is another escalation in relations between the US and Russia. Russia said if they installed the system they would point missiles at Poland and the Czech Republic. I expect the Russians to sign a deal with Iran at some soon time. I think a new cold war is upon us.

    "The deal reflected growing alarm in countries like Poland, once a conquered Soviet client state, about a newly rich and powerful Russia’s intentions in its former cold war sphere of power. In fact, negotiations dragged on for 18 months — but were completed only as old memories and new fears surfaced in recent days."

  25. Georgia deserves freedom. Other countries around her should help with her cause.

  26. im not as informed as i should be but from my current perspective i think Russia should let Georgia seperate and they should BOTH stop killing civilians.

  27. My opinion on all wars:

    In this modern day and age, it still amazes me that we act like barbarians and kill one another when it comes to disagreements rather than save time, money, and lives by resolving issues amicably.

    We are the most greedy, selfish, violent creatures on Earth.

    And also: who the h**l does Bush think he's going to send? The majority of our military is wrapped up in a seemingly endless "war" in the middle east.  How does Bush think the US is going to fund another conflict?!  The economy here SUCKS and he goes and makes it worse for us.  There are AMERICANS losing their homes, their jobs, most have no health care, are going bankrupt, can't put food on the table, etc. and instead this monkey excuse of a "president" goes and helps another nation before helping US citizens!  And it all gets paid with OUR TAX DOLLARS!


  28. It sucks They should make peace and grow up. War do nothing around here but destroy the world. 1 day wars will destroy the world unless everyone can come to there senses and stop the bloody war!

  29. i think israel should send their female soldiers to georgia as it will give the georgian soldiers something to do at night after they are put to bed.  

  30. Well... as far as the initial invasion goes, I don't really care one way or another. However, I'm getting kinda nervous now that the U.S. has announced that they will be getting involved. Even if it is just to help the refugees initially, who knows how blown out of proportion it could get...

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