
This is a question for anybody taking martial arts.?

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what are your workouts. for endurance, definition, strength, technique, everything that you do everyday in order. I would really like to know.




  1. I take Shaolin Kung Fu.

    First we stretch, the classic stretches

    Then we go into mapu stance(it's like a very very deep squat, you are only doing it correctly if you can put a stick across your knees and it doesn't fall off) right now we're at 4 and a half minutes of that

    Then arm strengthening, it's an exercise that helps toughen up your arms so they don't bruise/hurt as much when blocking

    Then we go into kicking drills, they are great cardio as well as working on your kicks. Mostly we do each individually and then run a combo front/side/round drill for about 2 min

    at the end of class, we tend to do a bag circle, with heavy bean bags. I don't know how much they way (they're probably 8 pounds or so?) but you get in a circle and toss the bag. When you catch the bag, you spear it, rotate your wrist and torso, and then throw using the return twist of your torso instead of your arm. It helps to strengthen your core and your strikes

    and then we work on our forms...that's not totally complete, there are more specific excercises we do, but that's all i can think of and explain

  2. Run your *** off, then run some more, hit weights with low weight and high reps, run *** off more, train in martial arts, run *** off more, plyometrics, possibly yoga, run some hills, and STRETCH A LOT.

  3. While training by myself or in my martial arts school? I will tell you what I do by myself I guess.

    On my own i start with stretching. I will stretch all of my body.

    Next I will do some cardio. I'll jog and do jumping jax. then I do calisthenics such as pushups, situps, and variations of the two. Next ill weight lift a little and then work on technique.

  4. I take taekwondo, and the things I do is I first start off running for a while to get my body warmed up and then I stretch every part of my body. Afterwards, I start practicing a few of my kicking techniques then my hand techniques. I like to get a few of my friends to spar (fight) me, then I like to finish off by doing as many push ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc. that I can do. Sometimes I also like using this punching bag I have stored up in my taekwondo room. If I have someone with me, we do light contact target/reaction practice. If we're in the mood to do something fun, we'll do relay races of like who can get to the end first by doing sidekicks all the way down. We'll also get another person to stand and watch our kicks to see if we're doing them correctly or a point gets taken off. So yeah, that's pretty much all I really do. Sure hope I helped! =]

  5. hey there, go to this link it has everything you need to know, ENJOY!

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