
This is a question for women who are or have been strippers?

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First, anyone who is only interested in trashing strippers has no need to read further.

Back to the question...

What made you willing to do it? What was your threshold? Would you be doing this if you had a good alternative? Were you working somewhere like Burger King once and thought that you could make so much more as a stripper?

What's it like to be naked in front of all of those men? To give a lapdance? What I'd really like to know is what you think when women are in the audience. It's one thing to have a guy looking at your bear butt, but what about women? What do you think of other women looking at you naked? Do you think that these women in the audience are glad that they aren't you, that they have jobs or means of support and will never have to be strippers?




  1. "What made you willing to do it?"

    ^The money. It definitely wasn't the hours or drunk perverts.

    " Would you be doing this if you had a good alternative?"

    ^I do have a good alternative. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology, and I'm working on my master's. I choose to keep dancing because I make more money and it is something I enjoy. Why do you believe that all strippers are desperate and incapable of doing anything else?

    "Were you working somewhere like Burger King once and thought that you could make so much more as a stripper?"

    ^No, but I worked at Taco Bell when I was 15 and quit after one hour, does that count?

    "What's it like to be naked in front of all of those men?"


    "To give a lapdance?"

    ^I get nervous every time.

    "What I'd really like to know is what you think when women are in the audience. It's one thing to have a guy looking at your bear butt, but what about women? "

    ^I am bisexual, but I hate female customers. They are picky, expect more, and they are notoriously bad tippers.

    " Do you think that these women in the audience are glad that they aren't you, that they have jobs or means of support and will never have to be strippers"

    ^Since almost all of my female customers enquire about becoming dancers, no, I really doubt that is what's going through their minds. Good try, though.

  2. I used to be a stripper.

    *What made you willing to do it?

    I needed to support myself, and there were no other jobs available.

    *Would you be doing this if you had a good alternative?

    No, I wouldn't have.

    *Were you working somewhere like Burger King once and thought that you could make so much more as a stripper?

    No, McDonalds had a waiting list for hiring.  I couldn't afford to wait.

    *What's it like to be naked in front of all of those men?

    I just pretended they weren't there.

    *To give a lapdance?

    I wouldn't do lapdances.

    *What I'd really like to know is what you think when women are in the audience. It's one thing to have a guy looking at your bear butt, but what about women? What do you think of other women looking at you naked?

    I once stripped at a L*****n bar.  I actually liked it better than the straight bars.

    *Do you think that these women in the audience are glad that they aren't you, that they have jobs or means of support and will never have to be strippers?

    Probably, but that's not what they were thinking about at that moment.

  3. You should read the book Stripped by Bernadette Barton. It might give you some insight.

  4. The real question is what me so willing to give my money to strippers.  I feel dumb

  5. I'm not a stripper, but I'm a female customer and I DON'T sit there and smirk at the female strippers thinking "I'm glad I'm not in these women's shoes."  I will admit that I'm more picky, because I'm bisexual and there's a certain type of stripper that I like.  I like to talk to strippers too. It's fun.

    I was very close to becoming a stripper, but chickened out.  Maybe I'm not the right person to do it.  

    Like LovePot, I'm also working on my masters in psychology and a bachelors won't do much. I thought about going into stripping as a way to support myself and be able to go to class in the daytime full-time. A stripping job does work well for students in a way because of the late hours.

    I've been posting on stripper forums, and a lot of strippers are working their way up towards regular jobs..Stripping is just temporary for them.

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