
This is a real question for people who think, can you answer it?

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Let me begin by saying that I am pro-life but this is not an abortion question.

What I do not understand is how a single issue has been allowed to control political decisions for so long.

First, consider a few facts about what has actually happened in history not just statements made by people who want to be elected.

Ronald Ragan was the first president to run on this issue and the Republican party has been using to win elections from then on.

Yet in all that time they HAVE elected a majority of Supreme Court Justices with the power to over turn abortion.

They HAVE NOT brought the case back to court.

They HAVE had control of the House and Senate to force a bill on the issue.

They HAVE NOT done so.

They HAVE controlled the White for all but twelve of the thirty five years of Roe v Wade! And, four of those years were Carter when it was not much of a public issue at the time. Only the eight years of Clinton constituted a time of having a pro-choice President.

But NOT ONE President has pushed the issue once in office.

The Majority opinion of Roe Vs. Wade was written by Harry Blackmun a Republican appointed judge. Judge Byron White was the dissenter in the case, and he was appointed by a democrat.

My question is will the Pro-Life movement EVER make the Republican party accountable for their promises and rhetoric.

They talk Pro-life throughout the election but once voted in do nothing.

For Pro-life people like myself this is very frustrating, does anyone know what can be done?

And, for full disclosure I am not voting for McCain, he has given me less evidence that he cares about the pro-life movement then Bush did. So, if they are not going to do anything about this why vote based on this issue?




  1. the problem is that the party isn't united on this front. haveing control of the house didn't mean anything because they knew they wouldn't get all the votes. They are waiting till they know it'll pass. They don't need to make themselves unpopular with the others until they can pass it. You know - an all at once legislation.

    Also, why vote for Obama? He'll go opposite of your wishes. McCain is closer to your side of the spectrum. Unfortuantley, for you it is the lesser of two evils (HOWEVER, Palin is obviously pro-life since her last child has down syndrom - pro-choicers always say those babies need to aborted, so maybe she'll step up an do something).

  2. But of the  23 years that a Republican has been in the White House they have only had a slight majority in Congress with a Republican in the White House for 6 years (2001-2007). I do agree that it is c**p that they didn't do anything but you have to remember that not all Republicans are pro-life.

    Like you I am very upset with Republicans they quit doing what got them a majority in congress in the first place.

    A no vote for Senator Mccain is a vote for Senator Obama. Then we will all be screwed.

    Mccain/ Palin '08

  3. When are people going to wise up to the fact that the republications are only using the pro-life issue to gain the votes of the  pro-lifers.  They haven't done anything to change the law because it serves their purpose.  As long as abortion is legal they will get the votes of all those opposed to abortion.  They never intend to change the law, why should they when it gets them so many votes.  I am Pro Life and therefore will not vote for any Democrat who is Pro Choice.  For myself I am a registered Independent.  What this country needs badly is a solid third party.  Ever hear of Ralph Nader.  Now there is an honest person who had done more for this country than any of them.  I know that everyone will consider that throwing vote away.  Well I consider it making the best choice.  At least Make a Stand.

  4. Your question is complex and guided by your religious beliefs, and that's ok, but think of it this way:  men will never, never, never be able to control the choice of a woman!  The republicans let the religious right into to the forefront with this topic and use it as a tool to find some unity in the south.  They know they can never overturn the decision and really make it stick.  Women will leave the country like the old days if they need or want an abortion.  No one can stop them.  You may think it's wrong to have an abortion, but those stories of backrooms and hangers are never going to happen again in this country.  So I guess the real answer is NO, and there is nothing anyone can do about it!!!  I wish the right wingers would just let it go!  You can't control this country with just won't work!

  5. I hear you! I was just discussing this with my husband a few weeks ago. The Republicans do use it for votes but do nothing after getting elected.

    Undecided Hillary voter

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