
This is a serious question. Has anyone seen the grim reaper?

by  |  earlier

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Like before you think ur about to die? Cause I have. No I dont do drugs, I dont need therapy and im not trying to get attention.

But I have seen him. I was wondering if anyone else has?




  1. doesn't sound good each time i almost died or was near someone i encountered an angel.

  2. What did he look like? When you saw him I mean

  3. Does he look like Charlie Sheen?

  4. I think i saw him in fam. guy and on the simpsons. He seems pretty chill

  5. One time when I was wacked out on a c**p load of amphetamines... I saw ALOT of things that were not there.  Pretty sure I saw good ole Grimmy.

  6. The Grim reaper is an embarrassment. a man already dead does not send the dead to the next life, people like me who connect with the dead do. The reaper is something you are told about around camp fires.

    I have seen dead and sent them to the next life. I have called spirits and seen futures. The reaper is imagination.

  7. Yes, I did and He told me that my time has not yet come!


    Death as a sentient entity is a concept that has existed in many societies since the beginning of history. In English, death is often given the name the "Grim Reaper" and shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe, and wearing a midnight black gown, robe or cloak with a hood, or sometimes a white burial shroud. Usually when portrayed in the black-hooded gown, his face is not to be seen, but is a mere shadow beneath the hood.

    In some cases, the Grim Reaper is able to actually cause the victim's death, leading to tales that he can be bribed, tricked, or outwitted in order to retain one's life. Other beliefs hold that the Spectre of Death is only a psychopomp, serving only to sever the last tie from the soul to the body and guide the deceased to the next world and having no control over the fact of their death.

  9. I know people that have claimed to see something that looked like the Grim Reaper... I'm not saying that is what it was though.. It could be any number of things... It could just be some kind of ghost or something like that... Maybe Charon took a holiday! Who knows...?

  10. man i have two experiences like  someone's taking my soul away i was just a few seconds away from death when i mean i can't explain that feeling in words i'm not addicted to anything but i am just to scared now

  11. I guess your not a christian ? I don't believe this.

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