
This is a serious question?

by Guest59326  |  earlier

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ok, i have to debate in class on why i am against US support for Israel. (i don't really feel this way, i just got against). anyway, i'm really not that sure what exactly is going on in Israel. What is going on Right Now? this is a serious question, b/c i'm really no that sure what i am debating about. i know that ever since 1948, the US has been supporting Israel. but i don't think my teacher wants me to talk about cutting off our support. is there a war going on? Facts are most welcomed. and websites that i can go to. THANKS!




  1. O.K. Israel is not at war. The nations that surround them have declared in their constitutions that "The state of Israel does not have a right to exist". That means there is constant conflict as suicide bombers enter Israel and border communities get shelled by short range missiles. The only argument I have ever heard against US support for Israel is that if we stop supporting them the surrounding nations would slaughter Israel and like us more because we let them do it. It would be the only time in our history that we would have abandoned a country with a democratically elected government, Those countries have always been our allies. The countries that want to slaughter Israel are dictatorships who, in my opinion will always hate us no matter who we let them slaughter. I can not think of any way you can make this case without sounding like a racist and a buffoon, or at the least a religious extremest trying to get to Allah. Maybe that is part of the lesson, to show how illogical it is to suggest turning on our long term friends and allies.

    Good Luck! I don't envy your task.

  2. They have been at war pretty much since their conception. What they have now is more of a low level warfare.

    Personally, I believe we shouldn't give military aid to countries at war, unless we are also actively involved in said war.

  3. Here is a start, the list of UN Sanctions against Israel.

    Yes the war is real, if it were not for US military aid and intelligence, particularly satellite intelligence, the war would have reached a natural conclusion many years ago.

    Therefore US support is actually prolonging the war.

    Most people do not realise that the situation as it exists today has its roots back in the days of the Ottoman Empire.

    I have included the following link, if you do not come out on top of this debate with this information I will be very surprised.

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