
This is a strange question but how do you clear a house of negative vibes ? It is BAD !!!!!!!?

by Guest60079  |  earlier

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This is a strange question but how do you clear a house of negative vibes ? It is BAD !!!!!!!?




  1. i would check your feng shui out.  i have the same feeling about my apartment and its the first one that faces south.  i feel drained, weak, and all around bad.  just 1 opinion

  2. If you are religious maybe your priest or leader of your faith could help you with counciling or by blessing your house

  3. Some people believe in burning sage...others believe in sprinkling holy water....What kind of vibes are you feeling?  How long have you lived in your house?

  4. So here's the thing. You probably have 'negative vibes' because you're allowing them to be there. I personally believe that they're demons that are out to spook you because they can.


    You can pray about it, and ask God to give you a healthy home again. You could also verbally cast out the demons and praise the Lord that he gave you a home to live in. Have people pray that you can successfully cast satan out of your life.

    I'll be praying, for sure and for certain.

  5.'s called a spiritual cleansing.

    Here are a few guides but be sure to tailor the methods to what works for you....if at 1st you dont succeed, try again!

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