
This is a tmi question but i'm 38 weeks and need help!?

by  |  earlier

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oh and no matter what i eat it happens nothing slows it down not the braty diet or anything! its so weird!!!




  1. Well, losing your mucus plug is the least of your worries. That doesn't necessarily mean you're going into labor soon. So don't worry about that. I would advise you to go to your general practitioner as well, or if it gets bad enough....which blood would be the last straw for me, I'd go to the emergency room. They can run their tests faster and probably find out what is wrong a little sooner than your OB.  

  2. Whatever the problem is, you should eat yogurt to restore the right bacteria and bring your bowls back into balance.  I know that when I have gas pains/intestinal cramping, yogurt immediately soothes me every time (which is often).  I am 36 weeks.  Anyway, you definately need to replenish that good bacteria so eat some yogurt every day!  Take care.

  3. Well, the only thing that comes to mind is eat TONS of starch-rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, bananas... cut out fats and fruits big time... drink plenty of water... also, I had diahrea before I went into labor, but yours sounds so extreme that it seems that maybe it's not that. Good luck... I hope yout get some solution to this fast!

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