
This is a weird question but hopefully someone can answer?

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Is there a type of Aquitac life that is made of metal???




  1. Aquaman has a metal hook/hand.  Does that count?

  2. anyhting is possible but we need to search for it

  3. I dont think so

  4. I think i saw an episode of that on tomorrows world and fantastic four, lol.....but as of yet in the modern world I dnt think there is such a thing as a metallic organism......but the search continues :)

  5. no, metal is not alive, you might be thinking of submarines. they are in the ocean and made of metal.

  6. not that we are aware of yet.

  7. none that have ever been discovered

  8. All life as we know it contain’s metal, so I guess you could say all life is made of metal, because without it there would be no life.

    But I’m betting this is some kind of joke.

    Like asking what’s brown and sticky?

    A stick.

  9. Metal isn't alive so you couldn't have a creature made entirely of it, but most (all?) have some metal in them, eg iron.

  10. i dont know if silicon is considered a metal, but I think i remember something about them finding some little beastie that wasnt your regular carbon based life form like humans and the rest of the life on this world.  maybe it was just some star trek movie, but there are all kinds of oddball things deep under the oceans.

  11. A GOLDFISH  wow im so proud of myself

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