
This is a weird question..

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my bf is an amazing guy..and i love him very much. but i have this question and i dont want to ask him because i dont want him to take it in the wrong way.

his mom and dad are awesome people..he showed me their wedding pictures and okay this isnt supposed to come off mean..but they were much more thin than they are now...yeh it was a long time ago and things change over the years..but my bf is pretty thin..and i was jw if he would turn out like his father. his father is a bigger guy.

by all means weight doesnt matter to me because i love him regardless..and love his family too. but i was just wondering if this would happen to my bf as he gets older.




  1. it doesnt always matter what their parents look like. Don't get me wrong, it does sometimes...but not always.

    if he doesn't eat right, or excercise enough, then yes he will get like his father.

    but, maybe you want to ask him if he really cares about how he looks, and take a look at what he is eating, and substitute healthier things that taste the same.

    good luck!!   =]]]

  2. unless he's concerned about his diet, health and excerises now....he'll probably be just like his dad.

  3. normally nobodies like parents. I'm more like my grand parents. are his grand parents  thin?

  4.    If you love him what is the issue?

  5. It is very possible. As long as he takes care of his body and eat right he will look exactly like he is supossed to. Really don't worry about it.

    He could be thinking the same as you and not want to end up as big as his father and be more willing to take care of himself.

    You just really never know and You did say you will love him regardless so that his great you have a real relationship so congrats!

  6. Nobody knows a definite answer to your question.  The real question is what are your boyfriend's eating and exercise habits compared to that of his parents?  If his are much better, then he will likely stay thin and healthy.  If his are worse than his parents, then he'll likely be fatter than his parents.  And, of course, if his habits are about the same, then he'll probably look a lot like his parents.  The only sure way to keep him healthy is for the two of you to live healthy lives.

  7. MOST people put on weight as they get older. The body just holds on to fat more as we age.

    But of course, it's also about what you eat and whether you get enough exercise. People can be active when they're young, but once they have a job, they may sit all day in an office and then be too tired to do sports or exercise.

    So you and your bf need to create a lifestyle where you eat right and exercise - right from the start, so it's a habit. Because it's not just him, you could gain weight, too.  

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