
This is a working process but what do you think about this Skill Drain deck?

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Luster Dragon x3

Gene-Warped Warewolf x3

Majestic Mech-Ohka x2

Majestic Mech-Goryu x2

Chainsaw Insect x2

Fusilier Dragon x3

Cyber Dragon x2

Goblin Elite Attack Force x2

Exiled Force

D.D. Warrior Lady

Snipe Hunter

Monster Reborn

Reasoning x2

Lightning Vortex

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mirror Force


Torrential Tribute

Dark Bribe x3

Solemn Judgement x2

Skill Drain x3




  1. Okay, first off, Exiled Force is UNAFFECTED by Skill Drain.

    The reasoning behind this: Skill Drain does not stop you from paying the costs for ignition effects like Exiled Force. Therefore, you can tribute Exiled Force and, at that point, it will no longer be on the field; you can then select one monster on the field and destroy it.

    Add 2-3 Cat of Ill Omens to speed up the retrieval of your Skill Drains. Necrovalley is purely optional, but if you don't want to wait a turn after Cat of Ill Omen"s activation, then add it...keep in mind though that this erases your Monster Reborn and Premature Burial(if you run one).

    Add like two Mask of Darkness, for obvious reasons.

    I would say add one Ohka, replace the Luster Dragons with Goblin Attack Force.

    Remove Justi-Break

    Snipe Hunter and D.D. Warrior Lady are out.

    D.D.  Assailant can work in the place of D.D. warrior lady, however.

    Since it has to be destroyed for its effect, it will no longer be on the field and its effect will activate.

    Remove the Reasonings.

    Add a Solemn.

    Add a Smashing Ground.

    Add Premature Burial if your not going to run Necrovalley.

  2. I have no idea but the expression is "a work in progress"

  3. I think it looks pretty good.  A few minor changes though.

    First off, I think that Exiled, DD Warrior Lady, and Snipe Hunter should all go as this deck relies on Skill Drain.  Skill Drain will make all 3 of these cards useless.  You should add 3 Jurai Gumo and maybe 1 more Majestic Mech Ohka or 3 Goblin Attack Force in place of the 3 Luster Dragon.

    Another good idea I had was to maybe add 2 or 3 Necrovalley to prevent your opponent from grabbing monsters from the graveyard with an added benefit for you.  The added benefit being that you could also add 2 or 3 A Cat of Ill Omen and when flipped will either put Skill Drain on top of your deck (without Necrovalley on the field) or add Skill Drain to your hand (with Necrovalley on the field).

    Also add another Solemn Judgment and take out Justi-Break.  Try to add more spells if possible and maybe take out a few monsters.  You also have alot of level 4 monsters in your deck.  So once your opponent sees what deck you are running then I think the Reasonings will become useless.  So I suggest taking them out as well or playing them in the first game, then side decking them in the second.

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