
This is about Cats and their eating habits!?

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Please can someone tell me why my 4 cats have all decided that they don't like the brand of cat food that they've been having for a long time? Is there anything I can add to it to it to make it more palatable or shall I just wait and see who gives in first?




  1. My cats are like that at times, one minute they love iams next they will only eat tesco's own!!!

  2. Cats can be really picky about food. I've had plenty of cats and a lot of the time, they'll enjoy a food for a while, then get tired of it and want something new. Just try different brands and see which one's they like the best.

  3. They have got bored with it - they are cats and that is normal. Give them a break and get something else, it's as simple as that.

    I don't know a single cat that likes neat cod liver oil and I'm actually not sure that it's very good for them.

    Just give them a change and they'll be happy.

  4. I don't always have time to read all the other answers so sorry in advance if I've duplicated one.  Whatever food you decide to try, be sure to mix it with their old food for a few days to give them time to become accustomed to it since a sudden change of diet can have adverse reactions. If you've been giving them a lot of treats on the side sometimes that will make them reject their daily fare. There is also a chance that the maker of the food has altered the formula or perhaps you got a stale batch. Be sure that you keep it stored in an air tight container if it's dry food to retain maximum freshness.

  5. I'd give it a week or so.....Then maybe try something else.  

    Sorry don't know why this happens.  I've never had my cats do that.

    Good luck!

  6. would you be happy eating the same thing all day every day?

    It isn't good to switch foods all the time, but giving them some variety will probably work better for them.

    Mine get a mix of 2 foods.  Right now it's Iams Healthy Naturals Salmon (although chicken is the first ingredient) and Purina One Chicken.  When that runs out they'll get that kind of Iams mixed with Purina One Sensitive Systems.  When that runs out it will be the Sensitive Systems plus another food... That way they never switch completely so there aren't upset stomachs and they still get some different food. They also get a different kind of wet food each morning from at least 10 varieties.  

    The foods I feed them aren't the best or the worst.  They're just the best I can afford right now.  But eating different food will probably be more interesting for them and it can be healthier because dry food is lacking in a lot of things cats benefit from in what would be natural food so by switching they may get a few nutrients from one food that the other lacked.

    edit: although I do agree that there may just be something wrong with that bag.  Have you looked at the expiration date?  Some stores are terrible about removing old food.  I've come across food that was expired by more than two years.

  7. firstly you can get catnip in most pet shops.

    my queen is feed on applaws as she would live on dry food only otherwise. my toms get whiskas and would live on moist food only. i have just gone over to burgess supa cat dry food as it sounded nicer and the cats can't get enough.

    with the weather being so hot my three have gone off food and we have had encourage to eat. if you are feeding a supermeat tinned diet change to a chunky type of the same brand if not change brands. if you are feeding shops own then cats do tend to go off this quickly. so try a named brand if all else fails then let them eat once they are ready.

  8. they mite have got bored of it. try some thing different

  9. MAybe the brand has changed the proportion of salt in the food? Or they migh be just bored. Cats get fed up with foods just like people.

  10. For all 4 to go off it, my first thought is that something changed in the food.  Mfrs. have been known to change ingredients without notifying anyone.

    Or it could be a bad batch.

    Cats are drawn to food by its smell so if that changed it might have thrown them off.

    If you can, return the food and try another from a different batch if possible.  Or just buy another can or bag from another batch and see if that makes a difference.

    If it's dry food I don't know of much you can do to make it more tempting.  With canned food you can sprinkle bribes on the top....I guess you could try that with dry too so long as the bribes aren't anything wet.  Getting dry food wet can be bad if it's left out too long.

    I'd get them something else too right away, just in case.

    EDIT:  You can get catnip at any pet store, guaranteed.  As for cod liver oil, I'd take a pass on that but you can use plain fish oil if you think that'll work.  Cod liver oil is too high in vit. a for regular use but regular fish oil is ok.  I know you're only doing it to get them to eat, but if you have to buy a bottle, then buy regular fish oil.  If you have CLO at home, it would be ok to use that sparingly for a short time.

  11. when cats don't eat something any more,it is something bad in it,or they don't like it any more,try it 4 another week if not responding change it,and in that time feed them at dinner(so they won't be starving)my milk'n'bread recepe(pieces of bread mixed with some warm milk) hope it will work

    but I think that if all the 4 cats don't like it,,,there must be something wrong in it,anyway try what i say

    ps:plz choose me best answer

  12. have you got a cat friendly neighbour who is feeding them on tinned salmon? mine only stop eating anything when they're not hungry. Also in the hot weather make sure you keep opened tins in the fridge as the smell soon gets iffy which can make cats turn their noses up.

  13. I LOVE the screen name BTW.  We have a Chihuahua named T'Pol.  How long have they refused to eat the food?  If you mix a small amount of canned into the dry (I assume it is dry) they may start eating again.

    EDIT: I have tried cod oil but a very small amount of juice from a can of tuna may do the trick

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