
This is about the worst thing I've heard..?

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Ok so last night I was watching a tv show and it was about a young guy who burned his 9 month old baby girl with cigarettes. He burned her about 5-6 times. Also- when she was 4, she was taken to the hospital with markings around her neck- and she told her mom that it was her dad that did it. He didnt even go to the hospital to see her. He took a lie detector test about whether he did those things or not, and he said he didnt, and it proved that he was lying.

This just makes me feel sick and angry.

I think he should rot in prison forever. If someone hurts their own baby- who knows what he is capable of..

Anyway- what do you think should happen to him?

How do things like this make you feel?




  1. It makes me sick to the stomach when I hear things like that.

    What kind of maniac would do a thing like that?

    I often look at my baby boy and wonder how on earth people can hurt this little innocent creatures.

    The worst punishment isn't good enough for him, but if I got to choose I'd have his privates cut off and stuffed in his public as an example.

  2. People do stupid c**p like that all the time. It makes me sick to. This guy bit hiis own baby now she's deformed where he bit her. I don't understand it either. And the lady that cooked her own baby in the microwave. Who does that? I think they should have to go through the same things they put their kids through.

  3. well, he should be burned with cigarettes; stuff like this happens all over the place eventually one gets desensitized ... aw well, you have a cute kid in your picture so its all good

  4. It really makes me sick when I hear things of that nature. And sadly I have heard worse. He should never be allowed to have children again. Personally I think he should be taken out in public and have a small glass tube inserted into the pee hole of his p***s. Then they should take a hammer and hit his p***s. The broken glass inside would teach him a real lesson. Although most likely when it's all said and done he may serve a few years in an air conditioned prison.

  5. firing squad!

  6. That is terrible. I hear of sad things like that all around me sometimes. What made me sick was the article Bailezra showed the link to. And one time i think it was on Montel I saw a thing on this girl who was 10 or 12 i think and her mother "gave" her daughter to her boyfriend for his birthday present. Apparantly when the mother had asked her live-in boyfriend what he wanted for his birthday, he replied that he wanted her daughter. Freakin sickening

  7. Yeah, that is pretty much one of the sickest things anyone could do! I saw that show too. It was Steve Wilkos. Poor little girl! I feel so bad for her. I just want to hold her and tell her everything is ok now. I hope she has someone like that in her life. It made me mad that the mom didn't really seem to care and sort seemed to stand up for the idiot of a dad!

  8. Actually, I read an article yesterday that was much worse (believe it or not), not that the situation you described isn't horrifying.  I posted a question about it yesterday:;...

  9. Death

    and they make me want to kill the person or people who do such things.  

  10. Being a pediatric nurse i see cases like this often. It makes me sick to my stomach. I think that what they do should be done back onto them.  

  11. Do the same thing to him, burn him with cigs and choke him, then put him in jail for the rest of his life

  12. well once he is jail the inmates will take care of him. alot of prisoners dont take to kindly to child molesters, abusers, rapists etc...he will get whats coming to him.

  13. Obviously it's extremely upsetting, particularly when you have kids yourself (I have two daughters). However, these abusive tendencies do not simply materialise out of thin air. Go back to this man's childhood, and you are certain to find that he had the same type of abuse inflicted on him as a child.

    I think that we should differentiate between compassion and stupidity. Clearly, someone like this should be removed from society, since he has proven that he presents a danger to others. All the same, I think society has a responsibility to all its constituent parts, not just those that are convenient. We have a tendency of ignoring or condemning that which is bothersome to us, so as not to have to think about the obligation that we have towards these people. Whilst I am outraged at this man's actions, I also feel a profound pity for someone who is disturbed enough to behave in this way. As a society, we should be doing more to understand why people behave like this, rather than just throwing them to the lions and patting ourselves on the back for our moral superiority. Maybe that way, we can prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

    I have no doubt, based on the other responses, that I will get several thumbs-down for attempting to think rationally.

  14. It makes my blood boil with rage!  How dare people torture children!  I cry every time I see a story like that.

  15. Recently in nys someone killed a baby by shaking it, but what I felt so horrible about is once this man (babies grandpa) was watching his grandson, got drunk and passed out on the baby, killing it. I couldnt believe someone would drink while watching a baby, as a mother I cant understand how any parent can harm their child. Its sad the world we live in sometimes.  

  16. I hate to say it, but I've heard worse.  I don't know if I live in the Infant Crime Capital of the World, or what, but it seems that every time I watch the news, someone in my city is being charged with doing unspeakable things to an infant.

    We had a cigarette burn case here recently.  Another woman was jailed for killing her 3-month old by using him as a weapon and swinging it at her boyfriend in an argument over crack cocaine.  The baby died of blunt force trauma to the head and internal injuries, and the mother showed no remorse.

    It's sick; it's sad, and we are helpless to do much about it.  The best way to counteract it is to raise our children with love and compassion.  Abuse is a cycle and it will only stop if someone breaks the chain somewhere.  Hopefully the girl was rescued in time to get help.

  17. I try an block these things out of my mind because of how horrible it is. I can't even come to imagine WHY someone would do such a thing. Babies are helpless and don't even have the mentality to understand why they are being hurt. I dont even have words to explain how things like this makes me feel. I think this guy should be tortured and burned alive for what he has done but most likely he will only get jail time. I dont understand how our world works...

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