
This is about your decisons in life

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ok so you are in a situation where you have to chose or decide between the choices you have.. and after going with one of them, if later you realise that no I shouldnt have done it from the beggining..

have you ever experienced this??

did you regret your choice??

what did you say to yourself that its OK that Ive chosen this path....




  1. There is a reason for everything.

  2. You accept the new reality that you've created by your choice and go forward with it, looking for another change and choice that may put you back on track.

  3. Absolutely I've experienced this. I think we all as humans will have an instance where this is clear to us, perhaps we view it as error, or we wish we'd taken the other fork in the road....but for me, I have come to realize that there really are no errors or wrong paths, wrong turns, or even mistakes. Each side road has purpose. Each step is one in the right direction for us at that moment, regardless of where it takes us or how we perceive it to have worked out with regards to our life.  

  4. Yea thats happened to me. and I tell mysef there must me some reason unknown to me that I did whatever it was I did. Usually Its because whatever it was ended up helping someone else and not me. S I end up feeling like I did the unselfish thing. Sometimes I think that my regrets about decisions I have made keep me from making them again. (Right! Like thats gonna happen!) I'm always hoping.

  5. You always know but maybe don't recognize when you are about to make a bad decision its the doubt in the decision itself. The regret most likely comes from knowing you made the wrong decision & knew it at the start, but each person is right in their own mind, if you listen to your inner whisper you will be right more often, and with less regret. I wouldnt worry as much as i would look at it as a learning experience. Ive been in this situation quite often and though i havnt learned completely to let go of my desire and let my ego fall entirely away i have been able to more clearly recognize my self honesty.

  6. Yeah...I am so afraid to graduate high school. I have no idea what I want to do and I am struggling with religion and my mum's cancer. Somehow, I feel like the two will intertwine into what I will do for the rest of my life. If I do what my mum has been telling me from the beginning, I will please her and maybe it will amend my many mistakes...but by doing so I will also contradict all that I have worked for and I don't think I am willing to do that. So, I guess that I have no idea what to do and I'm sure that didn't help you at all... But I have yet to feel personal regret for my other major decisions.  

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