
This is an URGENT matter?

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My boyfriend and i have had a really bad week and yesterday he finished me because of it. He asked me to come round last night and yes i ended up crying and asking him to give me a second chance and god i regret it. He said he loves me and all he wants is a week to decide if he wants to be back with me. This is vital for me as i am in love with the man and i know for d**n sure he is in love with me too. Now the score is, even though he said he wanted a week to be on his own, he has asked me to come round tonight just to have a laugh and so forth. I want to do this but im not sure how i should friend said the first thing i should do is make out that i am fine and i respect his wishes for the break up which is what i will do but i also want him to realise what he is missing. Ive thought about dressing nicely and just being who i was the first night we met..would this work? And is there anything else i can do to edge my way back into his life and make him understand that he wants me back? This is quite urgent as im going round there soon




  1. Just be a friend, be nice and very sweet, be careful not to give vibes that your desperate to have him back, apparently he wants to talk to you;his intentions; I'm not sure. He wanted space, so while your there, let him take the lead on a mental level, but keep your self respect and confidence.

    Trying to make him jealous or feel like hes missing out will only backfire on you, just be casual.


    If he accepts you back, don't jump all over him, too much sugar can make someone sick. Just be sweet and happy if he does.

    If he lets you go for good (infact any guy) it's very important to act like it doesn't bother you and make him wonder if the relationship/or even him was really that important to you.

    In a relationship, have you ever noticed that when one person steps back the other lunges 5 steps forward; causing the other person to withdraw even more? 9/10 relationships work like this.

  2. Even though you really want to go, don't.  He's pulling your strings.  Let him miss you.  If you're around, he can't do that.  Trying to come around and act casual won't work.  

  3. He  have told you he need a week a way from you to think what he should do, I say you should do the same.

    You two need lot of grown up to do. More or less you two sounded like little kids and fight over the toys.

    If you want to get into relationship, you both need grow up. Grow up don't fight over little thing. Grow up talk, we call it communication. Grow up don't run away when ever thing happen.

    So stay away from him. while you are away from him you should asking yourself why do you love him? what make you think you in love with him. If you love him for his good look, his cutes, his sweetness, than you are in troubles. because that will not be there tomorrow.

    If he love you for piece *** than you may have to watch out.

    because if man just want piece ***, he intending to move around. Because the girl next door always have better better looking piece ***.

    Good luck with your decision

  4. So he's got a week to decide whether to drop you cold, but he wants a booty call in the meantime?

    No way. Get some self-respect. Strengthen your spine. Remember that you're more than half a couple, but an individual worthy of your own respect, and his, too, not some piece of azz he can manipulate with promises of decisions at the end of the week.

    Don't go. Tell him to use his time to think of all he's missing. Then set out to make sure you're in a good place with or without him. Keep busy. Reinvest in friendships. Spruce up where you live. Do something that will benefit you at work or in school.

  5. My advice is also DON'T GO. I've had boyfriends like your ex and I can tell you from experience that you will probably still be single after a week. Fact is, he probably has his eye on someone new and wants to see if he can have some "time off" from your relationship to get to know or sleep with her. I'd tell him that he wanted the "down time" from you so you are going to keep your distance and give him the week he asked for. In the meantime I would really start evaluating the relationship that you want back so badly. Things happen for  a reason and this break-up may be a blessing in disguise.

  6. so ur suppose to wait around 4 a wk , so a man can work out if he wants 2 b wid u, if he doesnt no that now well sorry but a wk wont make a difference,tell him ur not goin round u also need a wk to work out if u wanna b wid him an go out wid the girls an av a laugh,play him at his own game no matter how much u love, u need to show him that u wait around 4 no man, hope it works out

  7. Yes, don't go.  Give him the gift of missing you!  What he needs is to deal with the possibility that he has lost you, this will help far more than anything.  If go around he will know you are still available at any point and in his mind he will be in control and he will take forever.  If you say no, lets respect this time, I think your right we really need time apart to think about this, you will scare him silly.  If it doesn't you don't have him anyway.  Who knows, maybe you do need some time apart?

    I have a website that deals with this in more detail you might find useful.

    good luck

  8. i know you really want to go see him but don't... I know you love him and it will hurt that you don't go, but if he wants a week give him a week, if he wants to see you make him come to you. Don't run to him, make him miss you and come to you. Find something else to do to occupy your time. If he loves you he will come back to you.

  9. DO NOT GO! what an absolute disgrace asking for a week to decide???? Dress nicely, grab a girlfriend and go out dancing. Trust me....let him call the shots now and he will make you miserable for many years to come. I spent 10yrs being treated like a yoyo because I was young and silly. Now I look back and realise that it's a game controlling people play to keep you under the thumb. If he loved you he wouldn't have broken up with you in the first place.

  10. Refuse to see him. Let him know you're not about to let him call this shot.  

  11. Stop playing games. What you are describing as a solution is game playing, dishonest and childish. You need to figure out whether you and he can live peacefully without all the drama. This sounds like a poorly put together soap opera. How old are you two?

  12. I think it would.

    Make sure you're yourself and don't get drunk and go all over him, it will look VERY bad

  13. ok .. do what your friend told you to do ..however  take along a friend ( a single girl friend is the best ) and tell him you are going out after you leave there and don't have much time to spend with him..  but thought you would drop by b/c you had already told him you would .. do not tell him where you all are going . it will make him wonder what you are doing, who you are with and that in its self will make him want you back ..

    as far as how to act .. to don't act anyway.. he wants a week give it to him..that means he gets none of you except the friendship .. friends don't kiss  hello  or good bye ..friends don't hold hands etc..

    how you dress well that depends on what you want him to think about where you are going and what you may be doing..

    hey good luck with getting him back..  

  14. Long story short and to the point ,,,, If this guy actually loved you then he'd be bending over backwards to prove it to you ,,,, There certainly wouldn't be any of this week business to decide that's for sure ,,,, Just remember this ,,,, The only guy worth crying over or about is the guy that would NEVER make you cry in the first place ,,,, Sounds to me like he wants a week off to go exploring if you ask me ,,,,   You don't need this kind of c**p and drama he's putting you though ,,,, You'd be better off with a broken leg ,,,,

    Stop any and all contact with him and stay away from him ,,,, He's obviously playing a head game with you and loving every minute of it ,,,, Never put your life on hold for anyone ,,,, Never allow your self to be a toy or play thing for any one sexually or emotionally ,,,, Never allow yourself to be used or made a fool of ,,,,Besides being a total jerk he's a loser user and abuser and he's playing games with you sugar ,,,, Like I said break off all contact with him and stay away from him ,,,, If he calls don't answer ,,,, If he comes over don't answer the door ,,,, Let him figure out what's happened if he's got sufficient brain pan to do so ,,,,

    He's by far not the only fish in the pond ,,,, You need to start circulating and find out who and what's out there ,,,, There's some one out there for you some where ,,,, All you have to do is just find him or let him find you and he'll most likely come trouble and problem free and with no head games either ,,,,     //

  15. what did you do wrong to cause the fight. let him come see you or call you. be yourself.    your leaving out a lot of information

  16. "If you love someone, set him free" is usually the best answer for such a question. I know this sucks, but from what you say, it doesn't look like he's as serious about a relationship as you are. Perhaps he's not mature enough; perhaps he hasn't decided on his choice of soul mate. The best course of action is to leave him be. Any action on your part would likely have the opposite effect; he might think you are needy or desperate, and that's something of a turn-off. As hard as it is to let him go, you might have to. Remember, true love is a mutual choice.

    The mixed signals he seems to give are not a good sign. He seems to say 'I want you' but only when he needs you. Asking for a one-week cooling-off and then saying 'come over tonight' is very confusing. I think you should ask him what are his expectations from this relationship.

    Maybe he is testing you, or he's trying to let you down gradually. Maybe he wants something of a less-intense relationship. Sometimes a little time off might be needed to let things cool down and put things in their proper perspective.

    It would help if we knew how old you two are, and how long you two have been seeing each other.

    I hope this helps.  

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