
This is an easy ten points...? ?

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I'm only a sophomore so this shouldn't be too hard for you...

The title is called the Characteristics of life. I'm supposed to determine what makes something alive. I am supposed to observe a person for five minutes and then observe a non-living object for five minutes (such as a desk or lamp). I am supposed to record my observations. Then I am need to come up with a conclusion... what makes something alive?




  1. 1. having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.

    2. living (used for emphasis): the proudest man alive.

    3. in a state of action; in force or operation; active: to keep hope alive.

    4. full of energy and spirit; lively: Grandmother's more alive than most of her contemporaries.

    5. having the quality of life; vivid; vibrant: The room was alive with color.

    6. Electricity. live2 (def. 17).


    7. alive to, alert or sensitive to; aware of: City planners are alive to the necessity of revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods.

    8. alive with, filled with living things; swarming; teeming: The room was alive with mosquitoes.

    9. look alive! pay attention! move quickly!: Look alive! We haven't got all day.

  2. Ability to replicate cells?

  3. Hi there I study biology and know what the characteristics of a living organism it is MRSCGREN

    Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Circulation, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and nutrition

    Something is only alive if it possesses these qualities

    Glad to be of help :D

    Please answer my question;...

  4. Something that makes it come alive. Well it's activeness is one, or if you're gonna get all technical you could says it differs from person to person. for others a comb might be worthless or to a child it might be a whole new adventure to be a rockstar or a hairdresser. no one can descibe the feeling of being alive. It is only an item yet it's everything. It IS everything. It's a flowing feeling.

  5. human emotions such as laughter, tears, anger, etc. ; movement, warmth,  noise such as talking

  6. a person:



    shows their feelings

    a thing:

    has no feelings

    can be switched off and on

    doesnt move unless moved

  7. emotions, ability to move, breathing? Idk, hoped I helped.

  8. Breathing, heartbeat, organs, brain, and response

  9. Well, I think it matters which class you need to answer this for. You might come up with different answers if it is for biology vs. philosophy.  

    But biologically, here is a great link:

    (Scroll to page 2)

    Now, you are expected to come up with these ideas by LOOKING at a living person, so make sure you can explain how you came up with them through observation. For example:

    Cells -- can you tell that the person is made of cells just by looking at them? Probably not.

    Requires energy -- well the person is moving, and movement requires energy, so you can assume this.

    Can reproduce -- common knowledge tells you that humans can make baby humans. You are free to assume that the person you are observing is not infertile. Better yet, observe one of your parents and you can be your own evidence.

    Displays heredity -- not a completely obvious one, but if you're observing family members you might have come up with this one.

    Responds to stimuli -- this one is easy. Does the person respond when you poke them? Does the desk? Try other stimuli as well.

    Evolve and adapt -- well, you can't watch one person evolve, but you can watch someone adapt to their environment, for instance, a person who can't use their legs might use a wheelchair (this is adapting but is not an adaptation)

    Homeostasis -- this one is tricky to say you've observed. Maybe your person puts on a sweater if the temperature changes, or drinks a glass of water because they're thirsty...

  10. The fact that they are breathing. And that they are moving by will and have actual thoughts, unlike a non-living object that cannot move by it's own will and does not breathe.

  11. It moves independently and wants to breed.

  12. o Have cells

    o Obtain and use energy

    o Maintain an internal balance (homeostasis)

    o Reproduce and have genetic information (DNA)

    o Grow and develop

    o Respond to the environment

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