
This is another Calif. freeway ?Have you ever gotten lost in the fog for two days on I-5?

by Guest61929  |  earlier

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or lost on any free way in bad weather?




  1. Not lost, but I had to pull over on I-5 once on my way to Barstow from San Francisco and spend four hours at an Seven Eleven waiting for the fog to clear.....I had to drive almost on the shoulder of the road to see the turn off so I could get off of I-5. after I got off the freeway, ....I pulled into the 7-11  

  2. Never got lost , but have been delayed by blizzards.

  3. No, but I got lost one night after bowling in Buena Park, CA, just off the I-5.  The fog was so thick that I could only see the tail lights of the car in front of me.  I heard that if a person followed the car directly ahead of them, it would be okay.  The only problem was, I followed the car directly into that person's driveway.  

    That didn't work out but I did manage to get home.  

  4. No. I have missed exits in Stockton-Modesto however.

  5. No.  Actually I've never been lost.  I was born with a great sense of direction.  Very lucky.  I stay off I-5 when it's foggy.  To many 95 car pile ups.

  6. Have you ever heard of Tule fog. Oh Yeah. big time. You can not get lost on I-5 it is just one long straight line from Tijuana to British Columbia. Driven and been on it many, many times. You can get lost in the fog and not be able to see your turnoff however. Get's a little scary on I-6 sometimes. All of a sudden you have an 18 wheeler coming down your backside and you never even hear them coming. You have to keep your windows open so you can hear the traffic, as you sure can't see them, I hate Tule Fog.

  7. I was in dense fog going home from Long Beach to Santa Monica.

      I got to the point where  I-710 junctions

    with I-405 .  The fog was so thick, people were literally "parked " trying to see the signs. Even sitting right under could barely make it out.  

    And as you know, if you pick the wrong one, you go waaaay out of the way.

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