
This is another one of my poems... What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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I like noise

The winnie of a horse, the groan of a truck.

The bark of a dog all covered in muck!

The maaa of a lamb crying for mum.

The oink of a pig eating a plum.

The pitter patter of little mice feet,

Through heavy hay the carefully creap.

The squlech of my gumboot

Getting pulled out of mud.

My little gummie STUCK down I fall with a thud.

The rosters crow, and the engine's crank,

Is the alarm clock for the old pony, Frank.

The vroom of a motorbike like a giant

Plane roaring over jumps.

I like Noise




  1. aw :) i like it.

    i like noise too.

  2. I liked your offering...but you can have noise...personally, quiet is what I seek.  Soft, summer nights, churppp of the crickets,

    night birds bidding good night, wind and rain...softly moaning and sprinkling life giving droplets. (Smiling, however, over your descriptions!)

    Puzzled over your "through heavy hay the carefully creap (sic)."

    Did you mean they...not the?  Also, creep...not creap. Sorry for being picky, simply the evening mood.

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