
This is another reason why fems are not taken serious. What do you think?

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  1. Many feminists are fat.

  2. If they didn't complain about video games and other women's husbands not doing 50% of the laundry, what else would they do?

  3. It beggars belief really, how did this culture of seeking out new ways to be offended begin?

    CR, how can anyone be threatened by a change that happened before he was born? Equality is normal to everyone here, nobody is threatened by it!

  4. another article about this game I heard that it was designed by feminists.

  5. No, the reason feminists are not taken seriously is that people like the yahoo writer *intentionally misrepresent* their views to try and make people laugh at them, because misogynists think that angry feminists are the funniest thing in the whole darn world. And therefore more people read things like this and think all feminists are idiots.

    Did you actually do any research on the 'controversy', or did you just read the yahoo article and think "LOL FEMINISTS", as was intended?

    Did you chuckle at the end when they said the feminists would have to eat crow, as was intended?

    (I work in the videogames industry. A concept artist is NOT the game designer. A concept artist is TOLD what the concept is and creates artwork to design the basic look of the concept. So their whole defense is that an anonymous woman drew a picture of a fat girl when told to by someone else.)

    There's nothing wrong with the game. The game is not particularly sexist or offensive. It's just a game.

    It's the yahoo article and the responses to it that tend to be sexist....

  6. oh brother its just a game! ppl get riled up anymore over the silliest things!

    im fat and this game doesnt bother me a bit..i think it looks cute and would not mind trying it out!

  7. LOL!     'Another game brought to you by The Patriarchy'!

  8. I don't find this particularly offensive to women, just immature.

  9. Don't kid yourself.  You feel threatened precisely because you know feminists are taken seriously.  Just look back the the first half of the 20th century, and now.  Some difference, eh?

  10. EDIT 2: Sony won't exactly take the game off the shelves cause a couple of bloggers don't like it, will they? Look how many people have come out against extra violent games and nothing happens except they get a publicity boost. These 'feminist gamers' are just voicing their views. They're entitled, just like you are, but they've got no more sway with Sony than any other player. If they had, there'd be a lot of games ahead of this one they'd be trashing.

    EDIT: Princess, Sony say the designer was a woman, her politics remain unknown.


    So, according to you it's not OK for people to voice their opinions to entertainment suppliers?

    You should have games access limited to early 80s Space Invaders for the longest time.

    Big issue.

    Cheers :-)

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