
This is anouther one of those magical could never happen but please don't point that fact out question?

by Guest33117  |  earlier

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If some how you became the last member of your gender alive yet the other gender was somehow completely intact, would you remain in a monogamous relationship?




  1. No, since I thrive on competition I would need more of me. Popularity isn't always everything and it comes and goes the answer is no.

  2. Not at all.

    Monogamy is something that society forces upon us. A man can love more than one woman.

  3. Well, I would say that in that historical time, monogamy would no longer be an option.  If the human race needed repopulating, it would be small minded and selfish to focus on my 'marriage vows'...wouldn't it?

    Frankly, I wouldn't find it an appetizing thought...

  4. I don't see how  a male could continue to remain monogamous.  For the good of society and the continuation of the species, it would be his duty to impregnate as many women as possible.

  5. Yes. I'm monogamous because that's how I like it; if I wanted to date around or be polyamorous then I would. I don't see why being the only woman would change anything.

    (That's assuming I have any choice in the matter, and the rest of the world didn't imprison me and force me to gratify everyone.)

  6. I think I would owe it to the human race to procreate as much as possible.  With as many people as possible.  ^_^

    Hey, we're talking about the survival of the human race on my shoulders!  Its a dirty job, but apparently I'd be the girl left to do it.

  7. Yes, s*x, to me, is an act of love not so much an act of pleasure.

  8. Yes, but I will become a sperm donor. :-D

  9. Sure, after I found the right guy, which in all honesty could take forever! LOL, cool question.

  10. Nope.

    Party time!

  11. Yes, but I would use my new found popularity to my advantage.

  12. Sure I would. Why would I bother with the other guys as anything but friends?

  13. well if im commited to someone im going to honor that commitment from the moon and back


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