
This is basically about the love autistic people show?

by Guest31663  |  earlier

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Do autistic people like hugs and kisses from their parents? If you are a parent who has an autistic child that does not like touching other people, how do you cope and how do you show them love?




  1. I am not a parent of an autistic child but I do work with them. Each one is different some want to be touched and some will only allow you to touch certain parts. I found that rubbing their fingers calms them, if they will let you touch. Alot need personal space. Most of the kids show affection to their parents.

  2. all autistic children are different. some are very loving and touchy to anyone and everyone because they need that stimulation...and there are some autistic children that can not stand to be touched...the touching of another human being wither it be a hug or a kiss is so much of a sensation for them..coping would depend on the severity of the not wanting to touch people...and you don't need to touch someone to show them that you love them...words work...or simple touches that are less stimulating to the child like a hand squeeze or shoulder squeeze/touch...and if it is you having the need to hug or kiss your autistic child but they shun from it...if it is that important to you go in their room and night and kiss them on the may not be alot but its still something

  3. Just because someone has an autistic spectrum disorder does not automatically make them the same as every other person who has an ASD. Every one who has an ASD is still an individual, so some people will be overly affectionate and others will be quite distant. My own daughter hates to have her personal space invaded but when she wants to hug me she doesn't let go. Every thing is done on her terms and how she is feeling.

  4. I work with autistic children. Some need to be touched and hugged and kissed but others can not stand to be touched. Every case is different. When I work with the ones that do not like to be touched I smile a lot at them and praise them for doing a good job, eventually one child started to give me five and then other students five, So just praise them, smile a lot at them and ask for hugs and kisses from them and maybe they will let you hug and kiss them without causing him or her to be afraid! Good luck!  

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