
This is confusing... did they get charged with murder and send to jail or not?

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I am confused. I want to know if the killers of Emmett Till, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam got charged with murder and thrown in jail? Because I read this article online where it says that the killers of emmett till did not get charged with murder in the eyes of a white trail. And after that they got paid 4,000 dollars each for telling the public, media what they did that night to emmett till. and then what? did they get thrown and jail because of what they said to the media ?




  1. They were charged with murder, but a jury of 12 white men acquitted them (said they were not guilty). Later, they were paid $4,000 to tell the story. During the interview, they admitted to the murder, but were protected from being arrested again because of a law called double jeopardy, which does not allow people who are found not guilty to be put on trial again for the same crime.

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