
This is disgusting but I have to ask it. How can I treat a blister on my pinky toe?

by  |  earlier

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I bought some new shoes yesterday and wore them today for the first time to stretch them out a bit. At first they were fine but after a while they really started hurting. When I took them off I had a blister on my pinky toe. How can I get rid of it? It does not hurt, but should I pop it (ewww) or just let it heal alone?




  1. u shud wear the shoes yah it happens when u wear new pair of shoe or sleepers

  2. 1. Clean the blister with rubbing alcohol or antibacterial soap.

    2. Sterilize a straight or safety pin by using pliers to hold it over a flame until the pin glows red and then allowing it to cool.

    3. Using the pin, puncture a small hole in the base of the blister.

    4. Using GENTLE pressure, drain the blister.

    5. Apply an antibiotic ointment to the area like Bacitracin and Polymyxin B – triple antibiotic ointment. Avoid products containing neomycin as this is more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

    6.  Cover the area with an absorbent, non-stick bandage and change it daily. You may need to change it more often if it becomes wet, dirty, or loose.

  3. You can sterilize a safety pin or a thumb tack by holding it in the flame of a match for a few seconds and then pop it. Immediately clean it out with soap and water, then apply a good ointment (I like neosporin), and slap a band-aid on it. Every other day or so, let it air out from the band-aid to dry.

  4. No, you shouldn't pop it unless you simply have to.  Put a bandaid on it and leave it in peace.  If you just have to deflate it, use a needle you sterilize in a flame until it glows red and cools, or dunk in in some alcohol.  Poke a hole in the side of the blister, where it meets flat skin.  That should let it deflate itself.  After it does, put on a bandaid.  Also, since it rubbed the toe to a blister, it means your shoes are at least 1/2 size too small.  Take those back to the store and exchange them for at least the next larger size, and you won't have another blister come up.  Shoes that don't leave your piggies room to wiggle, or extend past the end of the toes at least 1/2 inch when you walk are too small.  Blisters mean you are also risking ingrown toenails- not pretty, and not comfy.  So whatever else you do, get a larger size shoe.

  5. if you pop it guranteed to hurt so make sure u just let it run its course :P

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