I just HATE it when people on here ask a question ans say, "Whats wrong with my rat/hamster/gerbil/dog/puppy etc"!!!! I mean, if you think there is something wrong, then take it to the d**n vet!!
When someone gets a pet, they are responsible for it/them and need to take them to the vet when something is wrong, not sit on there buts and as poeple who are NOT experts. Do you agree or disagree with me?
When I tell them to take it to the vet, 80% of my replies are, "I dont have the money...is there a home remedy?" LOL, I mean, if you cant take it to the vet, why did you get it in the first place???!!!!!
95% of my answers are answered to questions like that. It bugs me and I just wanna go over there and smack them in the face and then take there animal away...so I can keep it :D.
Also, if your a broke college student which some are, then why did you get a pet? Grrrrr
Agree or disagree and why? Comments are welcomes but dont let them be too rude please.