
This is for all of the volleyball players?

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What exercises and workouts do you use to get a better vert and to get a stronger swing for your hit. And when you go up to hit how do you look at the block.




  1. The thing that helps me the most with my vertical is sand workouts! You will be amazed on how much of a difference this makes. Try for 3 times a week.

    Some things to do in the sand:

    tons of tuck jumps!! do them in minute intervals 5 times

    also try butt kicks

    jumping jacks

    normal jumping

    -once your on the court it will be soo much easier to jump!

    as for the arm swing just lifting weight and practice. you will only beable to analize the block once you are very comforable with your hitting. and when you do look at it you can even find an opening and just waffle the ball

  2. For your vertical: wall jumps, frog jumps (squat all the way down and then jump or as i call it explode, as soon as you explode pick up your arms as if you were blocking and jump as high as you can.)Jump rope.

    For your swing: Push ups, weight lifting, use a medicine, basically anything that works out your arms.

    As for you question, when i go up to hit i usually dont worry about the block because i can get really high up the net. Im 5'8 and my elbows go past the net. When you hit, hit the ball in an angle away from the block by using your wrist or your body. Also, when you go up to hit look at the blockers hands and movements, if you see that you arent gonna pass the block then play smart look for holes.I usually wasnt blocked my hit would break the block.

  3. front raises with free weights lat raises military press tricep extension all great for arm strength vert just jump as high as you can as much as you can best exercise also squats cleans dont do the jerk no help calf raises and leg press running stair but mostly jumping is the best and as for hitting 1 look at net relation of the block how close they are and if u can get it between them and the net easiest point

    2 extension over the net to see if you need to lob it over 3 if your on an edge see if you can scrape it off of them and out or bash it off their arms out and this is all supposing there is a good block up if the block sucks put it down between em and the returners

  4. squats, lunges, and wall sits for your legs and you dont need to build arm strength to get a stronger need to work on moving your arm faster at the ball (but pushups and lifting weights will help)

  5. pushups really strengthen your arms.

  6. I'm a middle hitter and you have to have a really good vertical and have a lot of power in your swing. I mostly do weight training and plyometrics.

  7. better vert:

    squats - for basic strength

    plyometrics - just google it and you'll get tons of exercises. gotta get those fast twitch fibers goin'

    droppin a couple pounds never hurts either :)

    stronger hit:

    personally, I've seen guys who couldn't bench press a broomstick absolutely WHALE on a volleyball. Just putting it down like a d**n meteor. So I guess I would say it's more about technique. Just work on your own technique. Remember to snap the wrist too. It never hurts to get in the gym and do some military presses for strong shoulders and some curls for arms, tricep pull-downs for tris, etc... but technique is the most important thing. And one important thing to remember when hitting is that it isn't just your arm swing. In reality you are hitting that ball with your entire body. So get all of your body into it. Use your abs and legs and back and shoulders... use all your bodyparts for velocity and momentum. Think in terms of a whip.

    Working a block:

  8. jump roping is a great way to increase your vertical there is also something called jump soles and they work very well  too!! for increasing the strength in your hit i would do a lot of weight lifting but dont use weights that are too heavy for you because you will just strain your muscles build up your muscles as you go!!!

  9. What I do is practice swinging your arm aroud so when u spike it u  should be in able of somebodygiving u a low five down by your waist. To block I go up with lots of muscle so I can score it down to the ground

  10. Stand on a stair and let your heels hang down over the edge then raise them like your jumping so they are above the stair. this will increase your vertical.

  11. I suggest finding a place with a Vertimax machine. It is amazing on your legs.

  12. well push ups help the power of your hits and serves. practice your approach for hitting in front of a full length mirror. hope this helps good luck

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