
This is for all the girls out there does any of you know if when you get your period does it hurt?

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This is for all the girls out there does any of you know if when you get your period does it hurt?




  1. The period does not hurt at all. However sometimes you may feel cramping in the abdominal area. Sometimes ladies might even have a back ache. However, these can be relieved by taking an over the counter pain reliever like aleve or advil. Some women have these pains worse than others and it can even vary month to month.

  2. Only if your prone to getting cramps.

  3. Some woman get cramps, some don't. I am lucky enough to not get them.

  4. Hey,

    Well im 14 and ive had mine for about a year and sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesnt. It depends really. But i do suffer from tummy craps and it can go right round to my back too. Also sometimes i get headaches. Not every day, sometimes never. Overall there not unbearable. Doesnt stop me doing things or anything so its OK. Good luck :)

  5. For some yes. You can get cramps. And the can really hurt. But nothing that a hot water bottle and some motrin can't fix.

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