
This is for anyone who has kids ..plz anwser ..thanx =]?

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Well i want to get a peircing on my right eyebrow but my mom says that im to young to have a peircing anywhere besided my ears soo i want to prove to her that just getting a peircing on my eyebrow isnt as bad as she thinks ..but anyways what do you think ??? Would you let your kids get a peircing anywhere else ???




  1. I don't know how old you are but until you are 18, your mother has the say.  I would not let my daughter get anything pierced, not even her ears until she is 18.  She tried to convince me for her ears and naval.  I broke on the ears and then she decided she didn't want either.  I told my step-daughter no to the eyebrows and nose, she went to her mother and her mother convinced that if she moved back in with her, she could get the piercings.  Needless to say, she moved in and now looks totally awful.  She has a bull nose ring and her eyebrows and lips are pierced.  We won't be seen with her in public!

  2. piercing leaves scars especially if you decided to take it out or get a job since most jobs wont let you have a facial piercing and i am sure your gonna wanna get your licsences and have money. I wouldnt let my son ever if he was living with me. Its not that i dont think they look good or someone is too immature it tends to have an effect on more then just your face.  

  3. well im 13 years old and have my left ear peirced 6 times and my right 5 times... im getting my nose peirced wen i tunr 14 so i dont think ur 2 young and yes i would let my kid get any percing they wanted.....well on there face ears or belly button.....and i think that it would look good this girl has her eyebrow peirced at my school and shes only 13 years looks very good!  

  4. How old ARE you? But no I would NOT let them, until they left the house or were 18/19 depending on how mature they are.  

  5. I have two boys..i would not want them to get a piercing but if they were old enough to make their own decision..then hey..its their body. but something to consider...i wanted to get my eyebrow pierced a while back and changed my mind and boy am i glad i did. later on you will regret messing up a pretty face for the sake of jewelry. be an individual and dont do it!!!

  6. I have a 10 year old girl. It's hard for me to say to her no you can't do certain things when she becomes of age, since I have two tattoos and used to have a tongue piercing. As long as it's something tasteful and you continue to do well in school, don't hang out with the wrong crowd, just explain that it's nothing more than a form of expression. I hope this helps. Good luck.

  7. It depends how old they are.

    Also I'm a little shocked people still get their eyebrow pierced.

  8. They can pierce any part of their body they want, as soon as they turn 18 and live on their own, supporting themselves.

  9. Sorry I'm Just a Kid.

  10. no because if u do.. ur kids may have the same interest and they might want to do things that are super bad!

    i think ur mom is so right!

  11. Those peircings are nasty. They get infected alot. You will hate it when you turn 20. Believe me. I know lots of girls who got either that peircing or a lip and a couple years later they wished they had never done it.

    Get additional ear peircings.  

  12. I'm not a mom but it might be helpful to give your age.  

  13. dont get a piercing apart from the ear. all others are current fashion and will be out of date later on. you will regret having them just like tattoos

  14. OK! Am not a mom I'm thirteen. I been through something like this. I wanted my nose pierced badly. My mom wouldn't let me get on so I went to a friend and asked her mom to convince my mom it wasn't so bad. my friend mom did it and the next day i got my nosed pierced it was hot and i loved it! then one day i woke you and i was bleeding terrible and my nose was the size of a beach ball my mom took me to the hospital and they had to do surgery to get the piercing out so the hole could heal up. I have a big scar there now and the piercing ain't so cool and hot now...  so think about all the bad things that could happen. by the way i cleaned it everyday and everything so.. yeah I'm sorry this doesn't help your cause but just think about it you will have a eyebrow piecing when you are 65 and it will always be there........

  15. I don't have kids, but I AM a kid.... so.... Do it anyway! You're not gon'na be a teenager for very long, and what can your mom say? I bet she did rebelious things when she was your age.

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