
This is for both Christians and Atheists?

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Christians - what will you do when you die and there is no God???

Atheist - what will you do when you die and there is a God???

As for me, I do not believe in God but when I die and it turns out by chance he is there then I will admit I was wrong and take whatever punishment God deems fit for me as it should be.




  1. >Atheist - what will you do when you die and there is a God???

    What could I do? Trying to change what God intends to do with me would be like trying to stop a volcano with my bare hands; the difference in power is just so astronomical there's no conceivable way to do it. And if God already knows everything I think, then there's not much to say in any case. So I'd just stand there waiting as bravely as I could for whatever choice God eventually decided to make.

  2. I have to agree that if I'm dead and there's no God that I'd just be dead and it wouldn't matter. But in the mean time, my beliefs have made my life a great thing.

    On the chance that I'm correct and when you die you find out there's a God - don't worry, God is all loving and forgiving.

  3. If there is a god i hope he would see my side of the story...

  4. I am right no matter what. There is a God and you are too blind to see him. There is a deep longing in your heart, you need to see a pastor so he can save you from h**l. YOU MUST!!!

  5. If this God was any God at all, he wouldn't send me carelessly into a pit of h**l for simply requesting a bit of evidence. The possibilities for God are endless. Why does he have to be this narcissistic a/hole anyway? Hypothetically, if the Christian God was real, I'd give him a swift kick to the balls before falling to h**l forever.

  6. Um, as far as I'm concerned, I'll be just as dead whether there is or is not a god.

  7. Which god?

    Theology is not all about desert gods and burning bushes.

  8. Well, the Christians wouldn't do anything, they'd be dead and gone.

    I, an atheist, would just be like, "Oh, ****....."

  9. Good question. You are really asking if we have consciousness,conscience,mental faculties, or personhood beyond what our brain tells us or deceives us into thinking. The more psychiatry I study and the more patients I see; the more convinced I become that there is a ghost in the machine between my ears.

  10. By the time you die and find out that there is a God and admit you were wrong , it will be too late.Are you sure you would want to take that chance ?

  11. If I die and there is no God or afterlife then how would I know?

    I would be dead.

  12. I've disbelieved for all the right reasons above all intellectual honesty and I wouldn't be ashamed to meet God if he did exist.

  13. it wouldn't matter......I'd be DEAD

  14. I would immediately charge that god with being hateful, spiteful, childish, and immoral in the way he so freely caused pain to so many, and fomented hatred among so many, who had never done anything to harm him.  That god is a bad joke as deities go.  Worship some god who says to kill all the men in some villages, enslave the women and children?  Worship some god who lost his temper and flooded the world, rained fire on cities, and plagued the Egyptian people with ten different curses?  Rather than reaching into Pharaoh's heart and mellowing him out?  The Pharaonic curses were just plain mean, nasty, and unnecessary to an all-powerful god.

  15. Atheist

    Be honest. Just no evidence and blind belief is not my nature. Punishment from an all wise and loving god will not happen.

  16. I'd make out with him.

  17. Christian answer

    I guess i would go 2 h**l? But if there was no h**l either i guess my body would become part of the earth, and i'd grow into a tree(that's wat atheists believe,right?)

    But i really really hope that doesn't happen, lol

  18. If there is a God when I die, it won't matter.  He's completely insignificant to reality, anyway (at least according to all the evidence).

    Oh, yeah, and I'll be dead.

  19. i do not believe god if there is one, has anything to do with any afterlife, if there is one

    but on the hypothetical situation that he was and he was the religious god, ,which i find equally illogical and more impossible,

    then i will no doubt share my views on him , to him, he no doubt knows them anyway, and then i dont doubt that he will force me to 'follow, obey and serve' him

    and so i will, but it will NEVER be willingly

    i wil admit i was wrong he exists when i said he didnt, but i will only say anything else to appease him as hes clearly an insane, ego maniac with too much power and control

  20. Do you mean no God at all, or just not the Christian God? If there is no God, no spirit, but only thoughtless matter that really exists, then no one will do anything at all once he is dead. He will not exist, let alone do something. If the "god" that exists is simply the universe, the Christian will be as fine as anyone else.

    As for an atheist meeting God, this depends upon which god he meets. If it is the God of universalism, he will simply accept it and be happy. If it is the God of LDS theology ("Mormonism"), he will have a second chance as the gospel is preached to him in spirit prison. If it is the "god" of Buddhism, he will reincarnate over and over again until he realises that he is all and nothing. If it is the God of Christianity, he will be punished for his sins by being separated from God for eternity. This last one is most unpleasant and perhaps should be examined more closely than those that allow for a second chance.

  21. Depends on which god.

  22. That is the same as saying "I'm an Atheist but I still think YOU are wrong" and that's a really strange statement. LOL

    My response is "I'm an Atheist and we're both right"

  23. If I died and there was a god, I don't think I'd care. Which religion's god? If it is the Christian god, then I wouldn't acknowledge it. His actions and laws in the bible were pretty sick and unworthy of any worship from me. Just my thoughts on it.

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