
This is for older women. Preferably if you are a MIL...

by  |  earlier

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Do you like making things difficult, intentionally, when there is another woman marrying into your family? Why would you constantly bring up your son's ex girlfriends? What is the purpose?




  1. I accept my stepson's GF, although I hope he marries someone else.  (She's young and a bit of an airhead.)  But I don't intend to make anything difficult for her if he doesn't.  Poor girl is going to have to contend with his mother and that's enough for anyone.

  2. All of her son's life his mother has been his alpha female.  By bringing up past girlfriends she is trying to say she knows him SO much better than you do, has a past with him and is sort of "marking" her territory etc... and is trying to make herself seem superior to you in his eyes.  Don't worry about his mother's insecurities too much, just concentrate on your man.  Kinda pitiful when you think about it.  He will either be a Mama's boy all his life or he won't, you can't really do anything about it.

  3. most mothers interfear and never think your good enough. ignore her.

  4. I am sorry if this is happening to you, that is awful.  I adore my daughter in laws and usually just refer to them as my daughters. I will take up for them over my sons (I can provide proof of this, lol).

  5. Sounds like a personal issue between you and your MIL.  I'm lucky - my MIL and I get along great.  We'd probably still be friends even if my husband and I divorced.  Maybe you need to meet your MIL for lunch or something and try to have a talk with her to find out what her problem is.

  6. And I thought my MIL was Super Monster of the Year! Guess you'll just have to keep reminding her that you're not interested when she starts bringing up your husband's ex-girlfriends. If she doesn't cease and desist, walk away from her. Also, the son (your husband) should be doing the same thing. Husband is your real issue. He must take charge of his mother and ask her to stop.

    Good luck dear. I hope it all works out well. ♥ ∞

  7. that just sounds mean to me.

  8. I am not a MIL, but I am a DIL with a great relationship with her MIL.  I think I would politely tell her that it hurts you when she brings up the ex or does whatever she does.  If she doesn't respond to that you may have to have future hubby talk to her.  He has to be able to back you up and stand up to her if she is being vindictive.

  9. This is something you need to work out with your mother in law. Unless you have a funny mother in law joke, I'm not interested.

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