
This is for people who live in the country and on farms!?

by Guest32805  |  earlier

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Could you tell me all about living on a farm, planting, caring for animals and anything else? I would love to know because I might move into the country! Please tell me everyhting!




  1. Small working farms are having a very hard time because you can't sell anything.  

    Go to a big grocery store with a basket of eggs to sell and they will laugh at you and throw you out of the store.

    To live off the land you need many acres.

    So move to the country and find a job to pay for the farming.

  2. I grew up on a farm from age 7 to age 25.  We had 360 acres of grassland for cattle; a pond; fields of barley, wheat, cotton, and hay; and a big vegetable garden.

    We had horses, cattle, pigs, goats, and chickens.  We had combines, tractors, planters, and a wide variety of farm machinery.  I helped harvest wheat and drove a hay truck when I was 12 years old.

    My great-grandparents acquired the land in the Oklahoma Land Run.

    Farming is incredibly hard work.  You get up before sunrise and work until well after sundown many days.  If you're depending on the farm for your income, you are at the mercy of weather (floods, droughts) and rising fuel costs.  

    Was it worth it?  Yes.  Everyone should have the opportunity to grow up, or at least spend a summer, on a farm.

  3. not everyone who lives in the country lives on a farm!! theres too much to tell you............

  4. You ask toooo much! Figure out what it is about the country that makes you want to live there and then ask about that.

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