
This is for yu-gioh players when sasuke samurai # 1 attacks ufo turtle does ufo turtles effect still work.?

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I was playing yu-gi-oh with my firend I attacked his ufo turtle and he said the affect stilll counts because its a grave yard effect and he is not using on the field but the grave yard is that true because sasuke samurai;s effect is to destroy a feace dow n monster with out the effect being activated. Also can you us divine wrath when his ufo turtle is in the graveyard on on the field to stop ufo turtles effect.




  1. UFO Turtle's effect won't work. Sasuke Samurai destroys a monster before damage calculation and w/o damage calculation the "as a result of battle" part won't go off. You can indeed use Divine Wrath to negate UFO Turtle's effect. Here's its ruling page from Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia:

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