
This is getting a bit freaky, can you please explain why...?

by  |  earlier

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I have a young son, as you can see in my pic, and I love him very much. Some nights when I go to bed images of his death (always different) come to my mind and I go through all the emotions of his death. He is just fine though snoring in his bed next to me. When I wake up, I hear on the news that a local boy had died that night. My son is almost three and it happens at least once a month, and it never fails that it is also a night when a local boy dies. I know that my son is safe but why the coincidence? I have predicted things before but why would it be like this?

Any ideas?




  1. Dreams don't mean a thing. Enjoy them, fear them, ignore them, whatever.  Once you're out of bed, clear your head of any and all of it.

  2. We as humans can never fathom what our minds can truly do. Scientists believe we only  use 10% of our brain, so therefore it is possible for us to unconsciencely tap into the other parts. Could it be a coincidence? Of course it can. I also have the same problem with my children, but I do not watch the news. I think what it may be is that your fears of these horrible things manifest themselves into your thought process and turn toward your own child. However, it's not something that we could ever truely know. Almost everyone has experienced "deja vu." Perhaps at some point we did "predict" that scenario that seems so familiar. Anything is possible.

  3. It's a coincidence.

    News--especially local news--is sensationalistic and reports on death all the time ("If it bleeds it leads").  If there is a child killed then that is really big news.  So it's not unusual that you are seeing reports of dead children.  The unusual part is that you are day dreaming about the death of your child.  I would chalk that up to an over-active imagination.  Whenever I try to go to bed I invariably think of situations that amp me up, making it more difficult to get to sleep.  It's possible you suffer from the same problem that I do.  So if you dream or think about the health of your child 15 times a month and a child dies after 3 of those situations, then it's probable that you will only remember the 3 and not the other 12 times when your dreams didn't precede the death of another child.

  4. You should write a letter to Art Bell or George Noorey. They are both on

  5. First, make no mistake that is just coincidence.

    Lets look at it logically for a moment, without Sylvia Brown colored glasses.

    What do you define as local? From your neighborhood, town, school district, state?

    Do local boys die at other times when you dont have these thoughts?

    Im guessing from your concern that your from a dangerous neighborhood.

    Try keeping a journal, of not only your thoughts and visions, but also of everytime a local boy gets killed. Then see if there is really a coorelation between the two.

  6. Well, coincidences do happen. I've been attuned to the news lately and it seems to me that I've been hearing way to many reports children being injured or being killed. I think this year alone almost 30 school age children have been murdered or killed in the city nearby. It's horrible.

    I have a young son too, and with this world we are living in, I'm obsessing a bit too much about his safety and future. I worry about it. I can understand your anxiety.

    My take on what you've written is that you, like me, are listening to the news quite a bit and hearing every bit of bad news especially concerning children and deaths. You're having bad dreams or images floating through your mind, and sure enough, you hear about a death the next day. It's a combination of coincidence and selective memory. You're probably forgetting the times where a death didn't occur the following day.

    Anyhow, as one parent to another, my advice is to take it one day at a time and treat every day as a gift. That's how I have to think of things. Best wishes for you and your little one.

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