
This is goina sound so stupid but how can i like stop feeling like i have food on my face ugh!

by  |  earlier

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for some reason for the past yr iv had a problem eating around guys...

just guys i can eat around girls but im always afraid theres food on my face.





  1. Wash it,

  2. Thats a common problem for people. You should just tell yourself "I don't have food on my face"

    And if you do, think what the worst that could happen. Someone must be a real jerk to hate you for something small. If they laugh, its not meant towards you. Laugh along with them

  3. because u want to look your best and impress! JUST REMEMBER TO HAVE A MIRROR AND WIPE AFTER EVERY BITE!

  4. your just afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of them. don't worry it's perfectly normal. It will eventually go away.

  5. eat slow and carefully


  6. Because you're nervous. I usually always eat with a napkin close by and wipe my mouth occasionally. :P Hope this helps! (PS: If you're super-nervous, hold a napkin to close to your face while chewing)

  7. im not to sure how you can stop thinking there is food on your face but mabey its because you have done it b4 or somthing so now thats all your worried about?

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