
This is going to sound stupid but.... How do I get my brother to clean our room?

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Alright im 16 and my brother is 13 and he leaves our room a mess. I put my cloths away and pick up my trash. He does the exact opposite. He leaves his cloths and his trash lying on the floor, its disgusting. My parents could care less about this even though I have been asking them almost everyday for about 5 days to tell him to clean up. I ask him to clean up and he says "stop trying to be my parent" lol.

So what should I do?




  1. take his stuff little by little. and hide over ur friends house or something. take all of his games and underwear. if he asks u where they went, play dumb. and say stuff like "u wouldnt be having this problem if you listened to me and cleaned up all ur c**p". then when he cracks, start putting some of his stuff back.

    works like a charm ;-)

  2. well my brother leaves his shoes in the living room so when my mom cleans she jus throws them in his room lol so now when she asks him to put it away he does it.

    maybe u can do the same and if ur parents yell at you then u could say "i told u to tell him to clean up"

  3. I would get get a large garbage bag, and fill it with his clothes in the room. When he is looking for something, he will have to go thru the bag.  And I do think You Mom & Dad are wrong, not getting involved in this. Can't you find a way to get your own space,Maybe put a screen up, to separate yours from his.

  4. ask your parents if you can have a dividing curtain or screen in the middle of the room.

    anything he leaves laying around, shove it on his bed...

    start sleeping on the sofa until your parents get him to clean up

    tell him you will buy him a beer if he keeps the place tidy?

  5. Simple!  Anything that you pick up off the floor get thrown away!  Or "hidden" away until he starts cleaning up the room....

    Good luck

  6. tell him that whatever he leaves on the floor ur gonna throw away if he cares about the stuff he will put it away!

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