
This is happening too often now?

by Guest32005  |  earlier

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Sometime during sleep (sleep wake state actually) I feel very strong vibrations. Almost like electricity passing through my body. My heart beat does nt exactly really rise but i do feel some kind increase in pulse...its like a strong electric current passing through my body..without a shock.

I wanted your views as to what could be the reason..earlier I would get scared, now I just wait for it to it comes and I dont feel it going..its just like I black out and when I wake up I'm normal




  1. I'm serious, go to a doctor because you can have a neurological problem.

    vibrations, feeling like electricity passign through your body can be symptoms of a major problem with your neurons.

    so go to see a neurologist.

  2. How do you know you're experiencing vibrations during sleep if you are asleep?  If you're asleep and feel/see/hear/smell/taste something unusual, why would you think it is anything more than just a dream?

  3. This happens to EVERYONE when they are about to go to sleep.  Our bodies jerk and twitch as the nerves and muscles settle.  It's perfectly natural.  You usually are sound to sleep within a minute after your body starts this process.

  4. Go read my question about feeling "pins and needles". I think this might be the same thing I used to feel. It's hard to describe. It IS kinda like a shock.  I don't do this anymore..but I used to do it as a child and I hated it!!I never even told my mother or anyone about it. Guess I thought it was a normal thing to do...or maybe a dream.Maybe we're trying to astral travel but can't get out of our bodies.

    Edit..Here's my question about it.;...

  5. Possible reasons, for what i can account for is that the increase in the pulse is due to the shock from this experience. The electrical feeling could be the result of muscle spasms thart could be felt as electricity.

           My other hypothesis is that the body does have a small electrical current and in some cases this current somehow is amplafied by either a conductor or by enviromental factors.      

            Another possiblitity that I think is less of the reason is that your nervous system could be having some type of "spasm". I've experianced it once or twice but it was in my arms and it indeed felt like electricity but with out the pain. Hope this possibly helps. I hope i didnt confuse you.

  6. Lol, did a part of your body fall asleep or something like that?

  7. yeh i get that sometimes, also as im about to go to sleep i suddenly feel like im falling, that wakes me up too.

  8. that almost sounds like a seizure, you should get checked out

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