
This is horrible, but I had been calling a number and hanging up to find out who lives in the house, I always?

by  |  earlier

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called from my Restricted cellphone. I did this maybe 3 times. All of a sudden I got a message saying this caller is not accepting this call. I called from another restricted number and it went thru. Do these people know it is me or did they call the phone company and have the last # restricted? I am so confused. How could they possibly block a restricted #? By the way, the situation was horrendous....I found out my boyfriend was leading a double life so I am not sorry I instigated.




  1. all they had to do was put a call trace on the line by dialing *57 and have the telephone company block further calls from that number...

  2. It is a common misconception that when you use *67 (or whatever code is used in your area to withhold your number) your number is not sent anywhere.

    The way the system works is that your number is ALWAYS sent, regardless of whether you withhold it or not.  All that happens when you use *67 is that a little marker flag is sent along with your number which tells the exchange at the distant end not to release it to the called party.  

    So the person you called won't see your number on his caller ID (and he won't be able to get it with *69 etc.), but the telephone exchange which serves him DID receive your number.

    Many phone companies now offer per-number blocking facilities, and since the exchange at the incoming end of the call had your number, it can be blocked, even if the person requesting the block doesn't actually know what the number was.

    That's why you can still get through when calling from a different line, even when withholding the number.

  3. Well yes.  You can restrict a incoming phone number.  This service is provided by many carriers.  For instance, you can restrict all anonymous cell phones from sprint, or all anonymous calls.

    However, this really should be in the relationship category.  Relationships require trust.  This is something you do not have, so its not a relationship.  Move on.

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