
This is how i eat now. i need help with meal planning?

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my usual meals. i eat 1 meal a day. i know that's bad but..? i do snack before jogging. 1 or 2 banana or milkshake.

tacos-1 lb ground beef/taco seasoning

cut up lettuce, tomato, shredded monterey jack cheese

10 corn tortillas cooked in corn oil.

beverage: 2 coca-cola w/ice.

spaghetti with sausage

prego spaghetti sauce, 6 italian sausage smushed and boiled and drained; i add the prego to it after draining. a handful of spaghetti broken in half.

beverage: 2 coca-cola w/ice.

i usually alternate between these 2 meals.

i also make a rice casserole sometimes.

1 lb ground beef

1 can stewed tomatoes

1 cup rice

some monterey jack cheese

i drink a lot of water. i'm 6'3 250 lbs. i do require a lot of fuel. i thought about getting some tupperware and decreasing the portions by storing half in sealed tupperware in the fridge. i have oatmeal in the house and lately i've thought about eating that for breakfast.

other comments- i rarely eat out OR get take out. i dont like processed foods so i avoid stuff like frozen foods etc.

can i get some ideas what i could do to improve my diet? meals that are filling and healthy/healthier which dont take that much... preparation.




  1. Drop the coke

  2. You really need to start eating more meals throughout your day. These not only helps you're energy reserves, but keeps you from gaining unhealthy weight. YOu said you need a lot of fuel, so eat the at least minumum  of 3 meals a day. No excuses.

    The only thing tht bugs me about the food you are eating is the sausage and the colas. Sausage is loaded with unknown substances so you may not even be eating real meat! Why not try grilled chiken as an alternative?

    Also the cola...hate to break it to you, but next to chips, soft drinks are one of the worst things you can consume...even if it is Diet, studies have proven that it's no better for you than the regular brand.

    Try some fruit juice, or energy shakes.

    Also, check your overall diet through the day to make sure you aren't eating trans fats most of the week, even if it  is one gram or a half. Just 1 gram of trans fat each day is shockingly very bad for you, and higher your chance of Chlolesterol and certain diseases each week that passes by. So, for pointers, careful with the Montery Jack cheese. Store bought cheese in particular, almot always includs trans fats.  

    Another thing I noticed is that you aren't consuming enough vegetables. These are vitally important for anyone's diet, and they help protect you from diseases like cancer, and help keep your muscles and overall body poportionized, as well as lenghten your life line. They also help release energy resevers, without making you gain weight. Though i know this seems somewhat hard to believe, considering that you seem like you're already at a healthy weight, but believe me. You won't regret this in the future, especially in your elderly years.

    Other than that, unless you already are, any spaghetti or carbs you may consume through the day should be whole grain or wheat. Tey not only will provide you with better energy reserves, but they also are a LOT healthier.

    Good to hear that you're trying to seek care for your wellbeing! And hope you find the key in your journey to healthy living!

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