
This is it: I have a 20 gallon tank with nothing in it. Suggestions?

by Guest10841  |  earlier

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Earlier I asked a fish question and was recommended a ten gallon tank, which I promptly looked into. I had everything planned out as to what I was going to get and how I was going to outfit said (smallish) tank. However, I have recently (as in, today) received a twenty gallon tank, for free! (yay!)

Now, I am quite happy about this, but my problem is this: As a extraordinarily indecisive person, now that I'm presented with something larger, I have no idea what kind of fish to put in my new tank! So, I've come to you, the great people of the Fish section. What do you have in your twenty gallon tanks? What are some fish that are pretty and exciting to look at that would all live nicely together? I would like something large and colorful, along with something small but equally colorful. Any and all suggestions welcome!




  1. Ok i know for sure you can have a betta. They are an absolutly beautifull fish with long flowing fins, well the males have long fins the females have shorter fins. Also they come in a great diversity of brilliant colors. But you can NOT have more than one male in a tank, but females may be kept together in odd numbers. Here are some pics:

    Male -

    Females -

    But if you would get a 30+ gallon tank you, could have exacly wat you want! A male betta and some neon tetras! They are both compatable with one another, and are both briliantly collored!

    Neon tetra pic -

    The neon tetras need to be in groups of six or more though.

    Also you must cycle your tank, no matter the size or you fish will die from amonia piosening. So i would highly recomend going to this site, and getting fishless cycling tips and advice...

    Also do some reasearch on the fish, it could pay off greatly in the end! Good good luck, and have fun!

  2. get some platy or some neon tetra they are all great you have many more options with a 20 gallon tank

    1 blue gourami

    7 neon tetra

    3 platy

    1 swordtail

  3. congrats on the bigger tank, that's great

    i will give you some stocking ideas which will definitely work in a 20 gallon tank, and are colorful to look at

    SF > schooling fish, should be kept in groups of 6

    BF > Bottomfeeder

    1 dwarf gourami

    3 swordtails

    6 rosy barbs (SF)

    6 rasboras (SF)

    6 otocinclus (BF)


    1 male or 1 female betta

    3 platies

    3 mollies

    6 cardinal tetras (SF)

    6 rummy nose tetras (SF)

    6 cory cats (BF)


    1 pair of kribensis (cichlid)

    6 silver tipped tetras (SF)

    6 short finned serpae tetras (SF)

    1 bristlenose pleco (BF, stays small)


    1 pair of blue or golden rams (cichlid)

    6 rummy nose tetras (SF)

    6 rainbow fish (SF)

    5 kuhli loaches (BF)


    3 guppies

    3 platies

    3 mollies

    6 neon tetras (SF)

    6 glowlight tetras (SF)

    and a bunch of red sherry shrimp

    those are all very colorful setups and are all peaceful as well

    you shouldn't have any probems with either of them

    all of the fish mentioned above enjoy hiding spots as well as live plants like

    water wisteria

    water sprite

    breeding grass


    amazon swords, just to name a few plants

  4. i would pick the blue or pink kissing gouramis they actually kiss!! =D

  5. I am going to cover a couple of things before I sujest some very color full fish that get about 8 inches

    you need to rember the tank needs to cycle this takes about a month it is the process of building up the needed bacteria

    and is so important that not understanding the cycleing process is the number 1 cause of killing fish in new tanks

    now to start with on fish ideas you said you had your mind made up about stocking a 10 gallon tank well you could go with that idea and just add more of the different fish you had picked out.

    since you said larger fish and colorful well I am curently into discus and they are a cichlid but not as mean as some they shouldn't be kept with angels but do good with most tetras like neons here is a couple of breeder sites to give you an idea about them and the colors they come in rember they get about 8 inchesh so in the 20 gallon you limited to 2 but then could have a school of tetras

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